Chapter Twenty-Nine: If our love is tragedy why are you my remedy

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I walk behind Thor and Kari as they walk in front of me nearing the throne room. I sigh closing my eyes for a moment and listen to everything around me. My thoughts cloud my mind as the previous events of the past year flash past my mind. 

"Loki," I hear a soft voice call out. My eyes snap open and I still see that both Thor, Jane, and Kari are still walking in front of me and none of them have turned around to even acknowledge my presence. 

I shrug what I thought I just heard off and continue to walk. When we enter the throne room, Volstagg is stood in front of a dark elf ship with his two battle axes in his hand tapping it against his sides. 

Thor pats Volstagg's shoulder and walks onto the ship with Jane nodding to him briefly and following behind. Volstagg stares at Kari with a sad look plastered across his face. She smirks at him darkly, her silver eyes glinting in the light. 

"Don't do anything which will make me have to kill you, Kari. You were once a close friend of mine and I don't want to kill you," the red-haired large man states. Kari scoffs and shakes her head disapprovingly. She walks over to him and raises her brow. 

"We were never friends and will never be," she states darkly with venom dripping from her voice like a tap. Volstagg tenses for a moment and Kari smirks at him again. She chuckles under her breath and grins looking directly into his dark eyes. 

"You think you can change me? You can't... no one can or will, I'm bad, and that's all I ever will be so don't expect me to make any promises about not hurting anyone because I won't keep them," she says before walking away. I see a little hurt displayed in Volstagg's eyes and he shakes his head, sadness clouding his eyes. 

I walk past him and just as I am about to go into the ship, his battle ax stops me from walking forward. 

"If you even think about betraying him-" Volstagg starts to say. I sigh and roll my eyes at him. 

"And you'll kill me?" I question. He nods his head and I chuckle for a moment. 

"Evidently, there will be a line," I explain cockily. Volstagg doesn't move his ax and I start to get impatient with him. I haven't got time to be patronized by some all muscle no brained warrior. He holds onto my shoulder firmly and looks at me. 

"What? I seriously haven't got the time for your whole redemption speech right now, Thor has already given it to me and I'm not even going to change for him, so what makes you so special?" I question him. Volstagg shakes his head and looks away for a moment before taking a breath out. 

"I'm not going to give you the whole redemption speech. I do not care for how your mental state is, I only care for one other person's and that is Katrina's. She needs to be stopped Loki or changed because with all this darkness in her she will just continue to get worse and she will regret every decision she has ever made if it continues," he informs me. I raise my brow at him and give him a questioning look. 

"Why are you telling me this?" I ask him. He sighs and chuckles a little. 

"You say you have intelligence yet you are blinded by what is in front of you. I know you love that woman Loki, I know you have and will always do. She changed you for the better and brought out the best in you. Are you really going to give up on her so easily?" Volstagg asks me. I shake my head for a moment. 

"You need to help her Loki, she is dying. The woman you love is slowly dying and she will not come back if she does not get any help. No one else can help her Loki, only you. You need to save Katrina before it is too late," he warns me. I shrug my shoulders pretending not to care about her and walk away. 

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