Chapter Three

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The many different colours surrounded my vision as we were flying through the bi-frost.

All of the air was taken out of my lungs and I felt free.

I felt like nothing could destroy this moment.

Apart from the ice shard that was lodged in my foot, I was feeling great.

Is this what freedom feels like? I question to myself as a look of joy crosses my face.

Loki still had his arm wrapped around me protectively, as I rest my head against his chest finding some comfort, comfort that I had been deprived off in a very long time.

As we were coming to the end, I buried my head into his chest and take a deep breath in.

This was a new start for me. No more hiding and fighting for my life every day.

I was finally free...

When I opened my eyes, I saw that we were in a golden dome, the gold bounced off of the sides and reflected in my own eyes.

I smile and take in another deep breath.

My senses were heightened and I felt a small pain in the pit of my stomach...


This place was rich and royal. It reminded me so much of my own home before I lost all sight of it. It reminded me of what I lost last year and I suddenly didn't like it as much.

I felt a trickle pass down my cheek.

Loki glances down at me and I saw the curiosity in his eyes, but I quickly change my vision to remain on the golden floor.

I notice a pair of golden boots and golden armour plates.

My eyes travel up the body until I came face to face with a dark stranger.

His eyes were a vibrant orange and when he noticed me looking at him, he nodded his head.

I think it was in respect.

I had heard of this man. The gatekeeper, Heimdallr.

The Watcher of all of the Nine Realms. 

I give him a tiny smile as he nods his head again offering me a small smile himself.

"Hello young one, it is a pleasure to finally meet you, Princess Katrina," I hear a voice say.

I look around in curiosity and notice nobody had moved their lips. I glance back at the gatekeeper and he nods his head once more.

You... Did you just? I internally question staring at the golden plated man.

His helmet that towered above us all, stood as a monument of his armour.

"What the?" I mutter and cock my head to the right and stare at him.

"I would pay attention to the All-father, Princess. I do believe that he does not know who you are, or at least, he does not remember," the voice said again.

I am insane. I must have lost it. I was hearing voices now and it was scaring me.

I then change my glance and see the furious blonde God and his elder Father who was looking as equally angered.

"This won't end well..." I murmur as I hear Loki hum in agreement as he also watches both his Brother and Father stare at one another, the tension rising in the room.

"Why did you do that? We could have defeated them?!" Thor roars at his Father.

I felt Loki tense up once more.

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