Chapter Fourteen: I will not bow

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Ever since Loki got the Allfather's sceptre and the throne only a few days ago he has been an absolute fool. His entire persona seemed to change overnight. Yes, Loki has always had mischief around him, he is the God of it after all, but he has never been this cruel.

I heard William mutter the other day about how Loki was being even more of a pain in the ass in comparison to what he used to be like. That has to say something! The Captain of the Guards of Asgard is complaining about the Prince now apparent King.

I haven't a clue how I am still surviving, especially with my nature of hating authority.

He has been nothing but rude and overpowering believing that each member of Asgard is inferior to himself and is blinded by power.

I need to help him... I want to help him... But I don't know how anymore...

The Loki I once knew is still in there but the power that he has been given takes that away from him.

Currently, I am on the training grounds. I had to find an escape from the deranged King and escape him for just a little while. Over the past few days, Loki has kept a close and eager eye on my whereabouts and all I want to now do is have a little freedom, I am not longer in prison but he is making me feel as though I am back in the wastelands of Jotunhiem.

Before commencing the training, I tied my hair into a double dutch braid so I wouldn't have strands blown in my face during the battle. My training gear today consisted of a dark green angel laced long-sleeved top and black leather black jeans with laced combat boots, these were comfy and efficient.

I sniff the air and my head faces the ground as I wait for my opponent to approach me. My senses are on high alert, every bone in my body is ready to take action.

My dagger flicks in my hand as I twirl it around my finger delicately with precision. My ears perk up as I hear a shuffle in the ground, the disturbance of the training grounds echoes in my ear as a smirk surfaces on my face.

The scent is getting stronger and just as my opponent is about to attack me, I turn on my heel.

With immense speed, I catch a wrist as I twist the arm now in my grasp backwards, hearing a satisfying groan of pain. To any normal individual, this would've broken their arm but luckily for Killian, he could stand the pain.

Killian lightly growls at me and kicks me from my position as I fall to the ground off balance. I land on the ground with a soft moan as my head tilts up to scowl at him.

"I thought cats were always supposed to land on their feet?" Killian taunts as my teeth bare letting out a small vet audible growl.

Whilst Killian resumes to mock me I take the time to quickly analyse his weak spots. Taken the opportunity, I twirl my dagger and jab at Killian's ankle, the tip of the blade lightly piercing his skin. The pain registers in Killian's eyes as he jumps back in a mixture of pain and surprise as a small chuckle falls from my lips.

"And dogs alert," I ridicule as I propel myself up with my hands and leap to my feet.

I flick the blade through my fingers and watch as Killian does the same with his blade, both of us waiting in anticipation for the next to make the move.

Killian is the first to make a move.

He lunges forward as I dodge his blow, unfortunately not judging the timing perfectly as I leave with a small cut to my right arm. I hiss in pain and charge forwards, anticipating his next move. I push the dagger forward and catch him on his chest, my knife tearing a small piece of fabric in his armour.

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