Chapter Thirty-One: I'm paralyzed

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Chapter Thirty-One: I'm paralyzed


"Your Majesty you're back!" a cheerful voice calls out. My eyes flash lighter as I turn around and grab the person by the throat and slam them against the castle wall. The person groans out in pain. I snarl at them growling lowly. 

"K... K... Kari?" Petrye asks choking on his words as I tighten my grip on his throat. I shake my head and squeeze his throat applying even more pressure. 

"I'm afraid not!" I snarl out flashing my canines. Petrye's eyes widen and I see the recognition cross his eyes. 

"Katrina?" he chokes out. If I wasn't applying so much force to his windpipe he would no doubt be stuttering. 

"Hello, Petrye," I growl through gritted teeth. I push his body up the wall and lift him in the air, his back still firmly pressed against the wall.

"Wh.. what... happened?" he asks the best he can, his voice sounding faint and croaky. I smirk at him darkly. 

"You'd never guess," I snap. Petrye tries to loosen my grip by using his magic but I use a magic shield to prevent him from doing anything.

He deserves this, he deserves everything he is about to get. 

"Katrina, calm down!" I hear another familiar voice say. I turn my head and see Will with his hands up walking slowly towards me. 

"Oh no, brother, don't stop her. I've been waiting for this dick to suffer for a long time now!" Killian says beside Will with a smirk on his face. Will rolls his eyes and looks back at me. 

"Katrina, put him down, please," Will asks gently. I turn my head back to Petrye, I continue to snarl. 

"This is isn't you," Will tries again. I stop snarling and close my eyes. I feel my canines retract and my eyes return to their normal colour. I open my eyes and lower Petrye's body to the ground and let go of him stepping away. Petrye clutches his throat and coughs loudly taking in as much oxygen as he can. 

"You're lucky you're alive right now. If it wasn't Captain Connors, then you would be dead," I say darkly looking down at Petrye who rubs his throat. I watch as a small red light covers his throat and the red marks from my hands disappear.

"What happened?" Petrye slowly asks, cautious that I may snap at any given time. 

"Oh, if he wasn't dead before, he's dead now," I hear Killian remark. I scowl at Petrye and then look back at both Killian and Will. 

"Katrina?" Petrye asks slowly standing on his feet. I don't look at him and turn away, I start to feel my eyes water. 

"Take him to dungeons, I will speak with him later," I order emotionlessly. Will and Killian both nod their heads and bow towards me before grabbing onto Petrye's wrists and snapping on anti-magic cuffs before dragging him out of the throne room.

I walk towards my wooden throne and stare at it before taking a seat. I sigh, sitting back on my throne. I bite my lip and run my hands down the armrests of my throne feeling all of the curves and patterns. I close my eyes and take a deep breath out and feel tears roll down my face. My hands ball up into fists and I feel my fingernails change into my claws as I drag them down the armrests. I feel the wood peel away with my claws, wanting to feel something other than heavy.  

I open my eyes again and I let ear piercing scream as more tears flood down my cheeks and splatter on my dress. My screams echo off of the walls and bounce throughout the palace. No doubt, everyone can hear me, but they all know that I want to be left alone right now. 

The Tigress and The Frost giant | Loki & Avengers FanfictionOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz