Chapter Twenty- Six: Apples and Poison

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One Year Later...


I sit across from my loyal friend and companion who watches me whilst I peel an apple with one of my knives in my hand. I smirk as I watch him take a sip of his wine. I can hear the droplets of the red substance roll down the cup of the glass and land into his mouth in tiny drips.

"All of the realms are now officially aware of who the Queen of Vanahiem is," Petrye announces. I smirk at him and chuckle under my breath. It is true, all the realms now quiver and shake when the hear about this realm. This realm is full of darkness, well I say that but really only I am. I am a fair Queen and I never go against any of my people's wishes. I am a fair ruler and my people are happy with me as their ruler, as their rightful ruler. I took back my position as Queen and I rule like a Queen. 

"And there have been no new intruders since you got rid of the scavengers," he informs me. I nod my head and laugh. When I had first arrived into Vanahiem, scavengers were tormenting the villagers, my people. They claimed to have taken over the realm and be the realms, true leader, but they were so wrong.

One year ago: In Vanahiem

I look around smiling as I see my home planet, well mine and Katrina's home. I look to my left and see Petrye glancing over the land with a smirk plastered on his face.  

"Welcome home your majesty," Petrye says to me and takes my hand in his. He attempts to entwine our fingers together but I don't let him. I hear a small growling and I look down to my left and see the wolf growling at me. 

"I wouldn't growl at me if I were you, mutt," I warn in a dark voice. He looks up at me and continues to snarl, bearing his teeth whilst saliva drips down his chin.

"You've killed Katrina!" I hear him telepathically spit. I chuckle and shake my head looking back down at the wolf. He's a majestic animal, I'll give him that. 

"Oh I haven't killed her Killian, she's still in here somewhere. In fact, she wants me to let you and Odin's guards go," I tell him. He snarls at me and goes into an attack stance. I sigh heavily. 

"You did this to her! Let her go!" He shouts. Just as he is about to jump at me and knock me to the ground, I click my fingers and my magic surrounds his body and starts to suffocate him. Killian struggles against my magic but his resistance is useless. Moments later he starts to whimper in pain.

"Stop it! STOP IT! PLEASE!" I feel my head start to burn. Katrina. She continues to shout and cry out for me to stop hurting her friend. 

"Stop it! You're hurting him! You're going to kill him!"  She exclaims hysterically. I sigh and let go of the mutt and watch him fall to the floor gasping. 

"You're very lucky, mutt, that Katrina cares enough to let you live. You're only alive because of her but if you defy me again then I will not hesitate to kill you," I threaten him, and walk away letting him recover. 

I walk off into the distance and make my way towards the castle. I chuckle to myself as I approach it and see it again. 

"Home..." I hear Katrina say in a gasp of disbelief. I nod my head and teleport myself just outside of my castle to where the village is. But when I reappear in the once calm and tranquil village, I see ruin.  

Huge reptile creatures run after many people who are screaming for their lives. They chase them, attack them, and steal from them. I close my eyes and take a deep breath calming myself as I approach them. 

"Gentlemen, now what are you doing to these poor people?" I question walking over to them. I hear a few gasps from the villagers as they see me. The reptiles groan in annoyance and turn to look at me. 

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