Chapter Twenty-Eight: Haunting Memory

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"Well at least furnish me with a weapon, my dagger... anything," Loki begs looking me in the eyes. I turn and see Fandral roll his eyes and scoff. 

"Wow, after all this time, you really think Thor to be stupid?" Fandral states looking at Loki. Loki turns his head and glares at Fandral. 

"Keep out of this," Loki warns. Fandral smirks and shrugs his shoulders walking away. I watch as Fandral walks over to some of the guards which pass us and he smiles. 

"Hello boys," he waves and the guards stop and bow in respect. Fandral laughs and I see a faint smirk plaster his face. 

"Where are you two off to?" Fandral asks looking at both of the guards. 

"We have reason to believe that there is an intruder within the castle," one of the guards states. I notice Fandral look away for a second. If the guards know about Kari and they report it to Odin or if they find out about Loki escaping his prison then we never be able to execute the plan. 

"Intruder?" I hear Loki ask. 

"What intruder?" he questions afterward. I ignore him and shake my head. He doesn't need to know about that at the moment. I keep my concentration on Fandral who folds his arms across his chest. 

"Does Odin know about the intruder?" he asks. The guards shake their head. 

"No Sir, we were about to go and inform the All-father," one guard says. Fandral smiles at the guards and smacks both of their shoulders happily.

"Well done gentlemen, I'm sure the All-father will be proud of your discovery," Fandral says calmly and both guards smile and nod their heads. 

"But it's a shame that he won't find out from you two," he says shortly after. Before either of the guards can react Fandral pulls out his sword and hits both of the guards with the hilt. They both fall to the ground unconscious and Fandral puts his sword back in its sheath before walking over the guards and back to me and Loki. 

"Quickly, before they awaken," Fandral instructs. I nod my head and look over at Loki who looks totally bemused. I take out something quickly from my pocket and Loki looks down and smirks.

"At last, a little common sense," Loki says with a smirk on his face. My face remains neutral as I clasp the object in my hands around his wrists. I hear the clasping sound and smirk briefly glancing at Loki who looks beyond annoyed before turning and seeing Fandral trying not to laugh himself.

"I thought you liked tricks," I laugh looking back at Loki who isn't impressed. I hear Fandral finally chuckle and smile as he looks at Loki's cuffs. Loki frowns at me and I push him forward walking with Fandral into the main hall where the ship to take us out of Asgard is. 

"Hey!" We all turn around and I see Captain and Sargeant Connors run towards us with their swords in their hands. 

"William, Killian, please-" I am cut off by William aiming his sword at me. 

"What is he doing out of his cell?" Killian asks glaring at Loki. I notice Fandral tense at the corner of my eye. 

"You both need to understand-" I try speaking again but this time William cuts me off. 

"No, you are all committing treason against the All-father and we cannot allow you to leave with him. I'm sorry Thor but we cannot allow you to proceed any further," he reasons. I sigh and I see Fandral smirk in the corner of my eye. 

"Boys, can't we just all be friends?" Fandral asks walking towards them. I look at Fandral and he nods his head. Both Killian and William have their swords trained on Fandral. 

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