Chapter Thirty-Four: Bruce Banner the Drug Dealer

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Chapter Thirty-Four: Bruce Banner the Drug Dealer

*Third Person*

As the young animagus Queen tumbled through the sky falling from SHIELD's new helicarrier base, many thoughts clouded her mind such as, was she going to die and if not, how will she stop Hydra from destroying SHIELD and the Avengers? 

She attempted to use her magic to save her life, countless times she tried to conjure a spell, a single spell to prevent her from falling to her death.

But nothing worked and the cell seemed to drain her energy the more she tried magic.  

Of course, yes she was a Goddess, both the Goddess of Memories and Manipulation and the Goddess of Fear, in theory, she couldn't die due to the belief of many mortals, however, that was far from the true, she was not immortal like the humans beliefs the Gods and Goddesses to be. 

She could die and she will die if she hit the water beneath her. 

Meanwhile back at the SHIELD base riots were being run as Clint had managed to knock Fury out with the back of his bow. Many agents were running around to try and find a way to lower the helicarrier safely to save Katrina's life and others were busy locking up Fury in an interrogation room waiting for him to wake up. 

"We need to save Katrina!" Clint barks as he turns to Killian, Tristian and the other Agent that Katrina was speaking to earlier. 

"And how do you suggest that?! She could be dead by now!" Tristian questions in anger in his eyes as a small flame starts to erupt from his palm, flickering and burning his skin.

"Thanks to you and your Director, Katrina may be dead! The Queen of Vanahiem may be gone thanks to you stupid mortals! You play with Gods weapons and you expect to be safe?! You are puny compared to us!" Tristian shouts, his voice darkening and the flame becoming more apparent to everyone in the room.   
"Okay, Hotstuff, put the flame out now," Killian warns as his irises turn a shade lighter. Even though Killian had no idea whether Katrina was alive or dead at this point he knew that she wouldn't appreciate if her friends and SHIELD were murdered by the Prince who was too stuck up his own ass to care about anyone. 

"Watch your tongue, Mutt!" Tristian snaps as he glares at Killian who simply growls at the Warlock. 

"Don't you see that these pathetic humans are the reason that the woman I love and your best friend may be dead!" Tristian continues to shout in anger. Killian raises his brow as he hears the words "the woman I love" and something in the back of his mind reminds him to keep a close eye on Tristian in the future. 

"It's not their fault that we have allowed the humans to get their hands on the stones and I don't exactly think Kat would really like it if you murdered and butchered her friends," Killian states and turns to look at Clint and the other agent who are silently watching the argument between the Asgardian Wolf and the Magical Jackass. 

Killian slowly steps back and stands in front of them both with his arms wide, protecting them and blocking them from Tristian.  

"Now leave them alone before I make you," Killian's eyes flash as he watches Tristian put out the flame in his palm. 

Clint quickly runs over to one of the main computers in the room and types in a few words quickly. 

"How do you suggest we save her if she's not already dead? There is no way that this flying fortress will catch her in time and my magic can't save her when I don't know where she is," Tristian complains as he rolls his eyes walking towards where Clint stood typing and looks over his shoulder.

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