Chapter Thirty-Three: Monsters

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Chapter Thirty-Three: Monsters


I am walked down the new SHIELD Base corridors with handcuffs attached firmly to my wrists. I look around at the agents holding me captive. Sighing, I shake my head and watch as different agents are training and fighting one another.

I smirk remembering back to 2012 when this would've been Loki walking down the corridors, but the only difference between me and him is that he was trying to take over the world at that time.  

"Honestly, how is any of this fair?" I question and the guards continue to push me down the corridor. I find myself nearly tripping over my own feet... So much for Cat-like grace...

"I mean, has Fury lost it? Has he finally lost what little sanity he had left?" I continue to ask shaking my head in anger. No agents respond to my small rant, but unfortunately for them this just makes me continue to talk.

"It's ridiculous! I didn't even commit any crime! Do I look like a man with greasy looking hair, whose smirk makes you want to cry and has daddy issues to you? To anyone?" I shout out attempting but failing to get a response.

Okay, maybe I shouldn't be insulting my dead husband but he's the reason I'm currently being taken down to my 'prison cell'. Even though I loved Loki and will always love him, he has screwed me over from beyond the grave.

"Do I look like I have an army of ugly ass aliens at my command? I mean... all I have is one Jacob Black minus the inner stripper and a new and improved version of Harry Potter!" I continue to rant. Oh, the joys of being held captive by your own colleagues.

"Look at me! I'm making Midguardian book references! How am I threat again?" I question looking around.

"Which reminds me, where the hell are they both?!" I shout angrily observing the mindless black clothed dimwits they call agents nowadays. I sigh heavily shaking my head and growl a little, this is just making me mad.

Mad is bad...

"I hope Fury knows that I have more than enough money for a lawyer to sue his ass for the misconduct of an employee/ fellow Avenger and the injustice of imprisoning me!" I rage on.

I notice some of the agents stop walking when I shout this. Internally smirking I turn to observe them all. I've finally cracked them.

"I hope you get paid enough for this," I remark turning to an agent to the left of me. I watch the agent tense. I smirk knowing I'm getting under their skin. This is going to be fun...

"What? Am I making you uncomfortable, Agent?" I mock taunting the agent. I watch as the agent scrunched up their face before returning back to their original posture. I chuckle under my breath and grin at all of them surrounding me. 

"So Fury thinks it's funny to capture me and treat me like a prisoner does he?" I finally question, my patience now gone.

"If he wants a prisoner worthy of SHIELD... I'll give him one..." I smile and chuckle lowly. 

I know I've lost control when I feel my body subconsciously prepare itself for a fight.

I quickly bring my elbows back and at the same time kick the agents in front of me sending them toppling over like bowling pins. I land on my feet and observe them all, watching with amusement as the ones in front of me groan in pain.

"Kaitlyn..." one of the Agents call my name warningly. I raise my brow and smirk at him flashing him my best smile.

"Sorry... Kaitlyn isn't here at the moment, but if you would like to leave a message... you can..." I smirk darkly my eyes glowing a lighter green. 

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