Chapter Seven

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Frigga stood in silence. She looked at me and takes a step forward.

"Katrina I-" she begins to say as she looks at me with sadness shining through her eyes.

I stop her in mid-sentence.

I stand tall.

"Tell me the truth," I ask her coldly, my voice void of any emotion.

She looks at me in confusion.

Standing tall herself, I notice that she wears her dark blue and gold dress truly like a queen, with the grace and posture. 

Frigga shakes her head in confusion, yet I can tell by her eyes she knows what I'm talking about. She knows exactly what I'm speaking of, she just wants to avoid the truth for as long as possible, but now is the time to tell all, I deserve the truth, I need to know what she knows.

"Katrina, what are you on about?" She questions, continuing this charade.

I take another step forward, like a cat stalking its prey. 

Tears are flowing down my cheeks and anger is boiling within me.

My veins and blood boiling.

"Don't lie to me Frigga, tell me now," I order my voice is slowly rising in tone and pitch, authority lacing my presence.

She walks towards me and takes my hands into hers softly as she stares into my eyes still with the same amount of sadness as I saw before.

Her own hands caressing mine, like a Mother to her Daughter.

And how ironic this was.

"Why are you crying?" She asks me softly, continuing to play this game of cat and mouse. 

I instantly pull my hands away.

She knows why she just wants to be sure of it... But this is when I lose my temper, my anger getting the better of me.


Tears were furiously falling down my face and bouncing on the floor.

Frigga steps back and looks at me in shock at my sudden outburst although it was to be expected.

She has tears in her own eyes.

What she was thinking was now confirmed, her body language told me everything.

"Katrina I..." She couldn't even finish her sentence and this angers me.

I stand back and begin to growl lowly at her.

"TELL ME!" I order shouting as rage, loss and confusion hits me, my emotions overflowing with hatred and anger.

My voice sounds like my inner beasts and it roared.

My eyes are clearly the lighter green.

I was starting to transform.

The monster was coming out...

Frigga places her hands over her mouth and closes her eyes as she begins to cry  However, Odin comes down off of his throne and walks down to his wife.

He looks at me with sorrow in his eyes, pity shining brightly in them as he sighs before beginning to speak.

"Your parents were murdered, Katrina..."

Thump... Thump... Thump...



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