Chapter Twenty-Seven: Make A Deal With The Devil

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I sit on my throne proudly with my legs to the left of me and my back straight against the hard wood. I have one leg crossed over the other. Both of my arms lay on the arms of my wooden throne tracing the engraving lightly with my fingertips, soothing me into relaxation. I may feel physically drained but I will not show it. Katrina had taken a lot out of me, her taking over the body drains us both, but it only makes her hold over the body stronger and I can not allow that. I will not be the alter ego.

Smirking, I click my fingers and watch the throne room doors squeak open and reveal the person who had entered my castle. Petrye stands to the side of the room and glares at the person who walks slowly into the room. I grin as I see the red-caped, long locked blonde god of thunder. In his hand, he holds his hammer and something about him seems different. He looks older, wiser. What has happened to the fun loving man I knew? Well, the loving man that Katrina knew and loved dearly...

"How about searching your mind to about five minutes ago when we were crying our eyes out because of his mother's death!" Katrina snaps in my head. I ignore her and do not reply. She took control before and I will not let her again. I sit up straight and stare at the blue eyed immortal.

"Thor, welcome it's been far too long," I say smiling at him. I tilt my head to the side and watch as he glances around the palace. He observes everything in the room and there is a glint in his eye as he looks around. He turns and looks back at me and bows, tilting his head downwards showing his respect. 

"Katrina-" he starts. I tutt him and wave my finger at him mockingly. I frown at him and take a deep breath. Do not lose your temper, do not lose your temper... I think to myself, calming down. There does not need to be blood shed today unless necessary.

"You should know by now Thor that my name is no longer Katrina, it is Kari and I expect you to use it if you want to live," I warn him, venom laced behind my calm voice. He nods his head and sighs but does not reply.

"I apologize if you had trouble getting into the castle, it's hard to know who to trust," I state and beckon him forward with my finger. He stares at me and hesitantly walks forward.  

"What happened to you? Why are you so cold?" Thor asks softly. I scoff and shake my head at him. I unfold my legs and stand up and walk towards him pace by pace. I chuckle and feel the flames trail behind me at each step I take. He watches the magic out of the corner of his eye but his focus remains on me. 

"I thought we were friends," Thor says sadly. My face turns neutral and I don't show any emotion. I meet him and stand directly in front of him. 

"So did I, but we were both wrong," I snap coldly. He sighs and closes his eyes for a moment. When he opens them I see sadness, regret, and guilt?

"Why are you here Thor?" I ask getting straight to the point. Thor's face saddens even more and he looks at me with sorrow filled eyes.

"My mother has passed away-" Thor starts to say but I stop him and nod my head. 

"I know, I felt it," I tell him honestly. He looks at me shocked and raises his brow questioning me. I sigh looking down and walk away from him and back towards the table. I pick the apple I was cutting earlier and twist it in my hand. 

"No, you just suffered the pain I suffered," Katrina snarls inside my head. I huff in annoyance and start to answer Thor's questioning gazes. 

"Loki created the ring of eternity, that means he bound his soul to mine and mine to his. It also means we can feel what each other are feeling. Over the past I learned to block him out, I felt nothing he felt. But then... I felt sadness..." My magic covers the apple and starts to slowly rot it in my hand. 

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