Chapter Eleven

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Will held me in his arms, I felt safe and secure.

I trusted him.

Maybe not Killian as much, he kind of intimidated me and after what I heard before in the infirmary I wasn't too sure about the other brother.

But I trusted Will.

He found me.

I didn't want to go back to Asgard's Palace but I felt now that I needed to. I had no choice but to go. I needed to inform Frigga about my dreams, or at least ask her about what happened to me.

I had been cut on my head when I was thrown into the tree and my ankle burned as the ice chains would not set me free and scratched against my skin every time I moved. 

At the moment we were currently on Will's horse.

I was too weak to walk and most of my energy had been drained from the nightmare.

I couldn't sleep though, I didn't want to.

Not if he would be in my dreams again.

Once someone entered your dreams they could control your mind. And that wasn't a good thing. As soon as the link was made you were in danger. You couldn't do anything out of your free will unless that person allowed it.

It was another curse.

In one aspect, I was lucky as I have full control over my own mind and body, manipulation was one of my own strong points.

"Katrina, why don't you sleep," Will suggests softly as a I close my eyes briefly and let out a yawn.

I had my head on his chest as he held me tight against him, the beating of his heart soothing me.

I shake my head but don't say anything, afraid my voice would betray my words. 

"For once my brother is right, Princess. You need your sleep," Killian agrees as he looks over at me with a little concern, riding his own horse. 

I still shake my head.

They don't get it.

I don't want my mind taken over, I might be strong now but in my dreams I am vulnerable.

I don't want him to haunt my dreams again.

"No, I'm fine. I will just sit and watch the scenery," I tell them, my voice coated my sleep deprivation.

Killian shrugs his shoulders but I could tell that Will wasn't being as care free as his brother.

"Why won't you go to sleep Katrina?" Will asks me as I feel him tense.

I refuse to look at him and shake my head again, tears beginning to form in my eyes.

"I'm just not tired," I inform him quietly, trying to make my voice sound strong. 

I feel Will's body shift uncomfortably as his breathing becomes quicker.

"Don't lie to me," He says, his voice slowly turning a little darker.

I feel the atmosphere around us change as I still dare not to look into his eyes.

"I'm not lying to you," I reply back innocently, trying to convince him and myself.

Will growls under his breath.

Was he going to kill me? Why was he so mad?

I knew that both him and his brother were part of the Keeper's Pack that protected the Royal Family of Asgard for Centuries, I had been taught about it as a child.

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