Chapter Seventeen: Glass in the foot hurts.

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Clint pushes me into a cell that is in the current and newly found S.H.I.E.L.D base. I growl lowly at him when he slams the door locking it.

I pace around the cell.

It is too small.

I need my space.

I need to get out of here.

I need to turn back.

But with all of my wants and needs, I could not have any. The purple light that shone from my fingertips this morning ceased to work. I couldn't transform back into my normal form and I was getting very agitated. I prowl around the room, my eyes dark with anger and as I stalk the area.

I want to tear Loki to pieces for capturing me, the lunatic of a God.

"You know, angrily walking around the room is not going to get you the freedom that you want," I hear a voice say from behind me.

I freeze halting in my steps before turning around.

There sat in a chair which seems to have just appeared out of thin air sits the troublesome God.

I hiss at him and arch my back to show him I am not one to be messed with. He chuckles and watches me as I just stand staring at him.

It is almost like a game, the first one to break eye contact loses.

"I brought you here so I could keep an eye on you. You are a valuable asset that I need to win this world," he informs me.

If I could I would scoff, but it came out more like a growl.

As if he could win the Earth, how would he be able to achieve that?

With you and what army? I think to myself smugly.

For some unknown reason, Loki smirks and chuckles under his breath.

"Oh, believe me, I have an army. I will win this battle very easily and when this world is finally mine... I will be king," he states, his voice full of promise.

Wait for a second... How did he know what I was thinking? Is he some kind of genius.

Loki stares at me and notices my confusion.

"Your thoughts are quite loud," he tells me.

Grea, we have a mind reader! I think to myself before having a sudden urge to block my thoughts. He may be powerful but nobody, I repeat nobody, will read my thoughts without my say.

At these thoughts, Loki begins to frown and he tilts his head looking directly into my eyes.

"How?" he questions as he begins to walk towards me, I growl backing myself against the wall, warning him not to touch me.

"Your thoughts are blocked from me. They are just not there. That's impossible unless you know how to block out all of your thoughts," he expresses his thoughts our loud as he kneels in front of me, my lips shaking as I continue to snarl.

He stops talking and gently presses his hand on the side of my face. But this time, I don't growl as I do not feel the need to, for some bizarre reason I do not see him as a threat. He closes his eyes but as he does I feel something.

"Her name is Katrina, father," a man with raven hair introduces a girl with dark hair and emerald green eyes. She looks nervous and has a piece of glass wedged into her foot.

"She is not a chess piece! You cannot use her to please Laufey!" The man exclaims. He rushes forward to protect the girl.

Does he care for her?

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