Chapter Thirty: See you in Hell

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"She's stronger in ways you'd never even know," Thor says looking down at Jane. I scoff lightly looking down at the unconscious Jane. She is sleeping and the power of the aether is draining her physically and mentally. She is currently holding up well but she is just a mortal, she won't be able to live with the power forever. The power of an infinity stone is meant to be harnessed by a strong force, not a weakened mortal.  

"Say goodbye," Loki says lowly looking directly at Thor. Loki is still stirring the ship. However, I am sat in the middle of the two brothers watching both of them. 

"Not this day," Thor says softly stroking his love's hair. I watch and feel a presence from beside me. I turn my head and see my conscious staring at me and then at everyone else. 

"What them closely," he says to me pointing to both of the Princes' as I continue to watch. I nod my head showing I heard him and just stare at both of the brother's.

"This day, the next, a hundred years?... It's nothing!" I watch as the real Loki stands to his feet whilst my conscious in the form of Loki smirks watching. 

"It's a heartbeat, you'll never be ready," Loki says still holding the lever controlling the boat. 

"The only woman whose your love prised will be snatched from you," I notice something in the corner of Loki's eyes flash for a moment. I start to feel a different emotion within me. 

"Understanding..." my conscious says out of the blue. 

"He's starting to project how he feels to Thor... how sweet," I look at him and then look down at my wrist, the golden ring still glowing faintly, the bond is still there but not as strong. 

"He's still in pain from losing Katrina," I justify to my conscious. He nods his head and we watch the scene in front of us unfold. 

"The bond is still there but it is faint," my conscious comments looking down at the golden ring which glows faintly. I nod my head agreeing with him. 

"And will that satisfy you?" Thor questions. My attention turns to Loki who looks at me for a moment until he looks back at Thor. I notice him twiddle with something in his pocket. 

"Satisfaction is not in my nature..." Loki repeats the words that I repeated only mere hours ago to Thor. I now realize how similar I and the misunderstood God are. 

"Surrenders not in mine," Thor says strongly. 

"Here comes the best part!" my conscious sings boldly. I give him a questioning stare. 

"Son of Odin..." Loki comments and everything slowly turns bad. Just three words can a start a war. 

"No not just Odin! Frigga too!" Thor stands abruptly on his feet and meets Loki in the middle of the boat. I move my feet out of the way of them both. 

"You may have had mother's tricks but I had her trust!" Thor snaps. Lok then starts to get all defensive. 

"Trust? TRUST? Is that what she thought when you left her to die? TRUST!" he exclaims angrily. 

"Where were you to help in your cell?" Thor questions back.

"Who put me there? WHO PUT ME THERE?!" Loki shouts back pushing Thor. Thor grabs Loki by the collar and slams him into the end of the boat. Loki huffs out in pain and scowls at Thor who has he fist raised. 

"You know damn well who," Thor says threatening Loki. I feel my body start to become light and its like I cannot control my next moves. 

"STOP!" I shout but my voice is not my own. Both of the Princes stop what they are doing and stare at me. I walk over toward Thor, grab his arm and pull him off of Loki. 

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