Chapter Twenty-Four: Preserved Awakening

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I watch as Loki carries Katrina's body in his arms. He looks down at her and then at me. Amongst us are the Avengers who all look down sadly. I hold onto the Tesseract and look over to Tony, I give him a brief nod and motion for Loki to take the other handle of the Tesseract. He grips onto it loosely. He doesn't care anymore. No-one does. We have all just lost an important and cherished member of the team. I look up to the sky and twist the Tesseract as me, Loki and Katrina go back to Asgard.


When we arrive, Heimdallr stares down at Katrina's body with sorrow in his eyes. He does not speak a word and instead the Gatekeeper turns away and motions for us to go into Asgard. Upon walking onto the rainbow bridge, Sif stands with our horses and smiles looking at me.

"Thor, I heard your mission upon Midgard was successful," she cheers. I briefly nod my head whilst Loki passes me Katrina and gets onto his horse. I pass Katrina back up to Loki and he holds onto her body tightly.

I jump onto my own horse and look at Sif, her eyes are focussed on Katrina. Her eyes are glazed and tears fall out of them. She closes her eyes and takes a deep breath before opening them.

"She is finally home, where she belongs. I didn't think that she had died, I always thought that she was for some reason living in another realm happily after she disappeared," Sif says glancing down at Katrina. I nod my head and sigh myself.

"She was, she was found on Midgard and lived for eighteen years waiting for us to find her. But she was stabbed and as a result, she is dead," I say mournfully. We had taken out Katrina's dagger from her stomach and Loki had kept it. He hasn't spoken a word since she died in his arms and I am beginning to become concerned. I know that he is full of anger and is wanting revenge but not speaking is a sign of him being up to something and I don't like his silence.

"Stabbed? She was murdered?" Sif asks. I gently tap my horse and we ride across the rainbow bridge.

"Loki saw a hooded figure vanish into thin air before Katrina fell to the floor with the dagger in her stomach," I explain. Sif looks towards Loki who is concentrating on getting back to the palace. We then ride in silence all the way back to the palace for where Father and Mother will be waiting for us.


"Lay her out on this bed," My mother orders. I watch as Loki places her body gently on the bed and just stares at her. My mother places her hand on Katrina's cheek and shakes her head, tears running down her cheeks.

"She will need a change of clothes," She turns to Sif who nods her head and walks away to find Katrina fresh clothing. I hold onto my mother's hand and squeeze it lightly. She looks my way and gives me a small smile. Sif runs back into the room and hands my mother the clothing.

An emerald and black dress with golden threading, some black and gold heels, and a single emerald ring which Loki passes her. My mother looks and Katrina and closes her eyes. When she re-opens them, Katrina is in the dress and her makeup is done. She looks like she is sleeping. The ring is placed on her middle finger on her left hand.

"I will cast a spell to preserve her body, so she stays..." Frigga cannot finish her sentence and places her hands over her mouth looking down at Katrina. I place my arms around her and bring her to my chest hugging her. I look at Loki and he nods his head. He waves his hand over Katrina's body and I watch as his magic preserves her body.

The next couple of minutes fly by fast, Odin walks in with the guards and they chain up Loki taking him away. He does not say anything and lets the guards drag him away.

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