Chapter Thirty-Eight: What did it cost?

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Chapter Thirty-Eight: What did it cost?

*Many Years Ago*

The land was a deep crimson.

The sky, the dirt, the sun, everything was the colour of blood. Venturing into this land would bring nothing but loss or happiness. You had to be willing to sacrifice something if you wanted to reap the rewards of this planet.

Two travellers from a distant realm wanted this reward. Both had come too far to be repudiated. With sweat slickly sliding down their foreheads, they began the climb of the sand-covered mountain.

"Have you ever thought about if we lose? What the cost of failure might be?" the female traveller questions as she takes a break to breathe.

Untying the black ribbon from around her wrist, she tyes her inky black hair into a ponytail, relieving her neck from the extra heat.

"We've come too far for failure, what choice left do we have?" the male traveller with blonde hair queries as he stares at his companion with hope.

"There's no other way, Revna," the man states as he watches a tear trace down Revna's cheek, his thumb itching to wipe it away to comfort her.

"We must do this to bring her back," he says as Revna falls into his arms holding onto him tightly.

"I love you, Erik," Revna replies, grief already clouding her spirit. Erik nods his head and kisses her head gently.

"And you, my Queen," he whispers before they pull away and proceed their journey.


*Present Time*


I watch as the titan steps away from me as I pull at the shackles concealing my limbs.

"Did you think you could hide from me?" he asks, a smug smile on his face.

"Did you believe that you would be safe?" he continues to speak as tears roll down my face. I could hear my heartbeat thumping inside of my head as I observed the only person in the universe I truly feared.

"Did you really think you could escape from me?" he finally questions as I close my eyes and take a deep breath in to calm my nerves.

"Why would I have stayed when all you spoke was madness?" I respond, my tone was weak, as he stands chuckling in amusement.

"Why would I have stayed when you mentally tortured me?" I continue to ask, my voice gradually getting mightier.

"Why would I have stayed when you ruined my life!" I finally shout, my voice spitting out venom.

"I did what I did to make you stronger," he replies, his beady eyes not leaving my raging green.

"Like when you made Nebula, stronger?!" I exclaim remembering each part he removed of her, turning her into a machine.

"Nebula deserved what she-" he begins to defend before I cut him off, anger flashing in my eyes, although strangely I feel none of the effects of my curse.

"What she deserved?! You took her apart as though she was a ragdoll! You mentally and physically tortured her, always telling her she wasn't good enough! When will your insanity end!" I implore fiercely.

"The Universe isn't yours to command, to control! You cannot dictate life because your belief in the balance of the Universe is flawed!" I protest, trying to scream sense into him.

The titan tilts his head, a small smirk gracing his face as he looks up at me, his hands glowing red.

"Would you say that to me if I was truly here?" he asks as my brows raise in confusion.

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