Chapter Twenty-Three: The End of the War

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Maria Hill:

I walk down the whitened corridor which has access to the hospital suit that Kaitlyn's body lays unconscious. Lifting my hand gently, I typed the numbered pin into the keypad on the door successfully unlocking it with a small hint of a smile on my face. She has been unconscious and missed everything which has recently happened throughout the past twenty-four hours. 

She has slept through Loki taking down the base.

Her mind was oblivious to Agent Coulson's death.

She even missed the speech which Fury gave to try to bring the remaining Avengers back together as a team.  

Currently, the Avengers are in New York fighting the alien race known as the Chitauri which Loki has used as part of his army. S.H.I.E.L.D. has surveillance on the Avengers and most members are watching in the control room to monitor their progress, however, I had a change of heart. 

Switching on the S.H.I.E.L.D. electronic tablet in my hand, I survey the footage which got all of the Avengers worried for Kaitlyn's safety. I sadly monitor the footage of Loki freezing Kaitlyn. She was screaming and in clear pain before she collapsed unconscious. Thor had argued for his brother stating that Loki wouldn't do something like this to her, as some part of his mind cared for the agent. However, that doesn't explain the footage we recorded or why she is currently on life support. 

S.H.I.E.L.D. is meant to protect people but look at one of their best agents and fellow Avengers. Shortly after Kailtyn was admitted here, Fury announced that she was an Avenger like the rest of the team, and gave a small speech about her time as an agent. In my mind, this means that Fury had given up hope, something which shouldn't be taken lightly with that man. He was one of her mentors when she first arrived at S.H.I.E.L.D. He was the one to find her and bring her into this life, a life where she finally fitted in. Maybe that was why he took her falling unconscious so hard, it was the guilt that he led her into this life. 

He felt that it was his fault, she was his responsibility, his agent to protect. 

I smile looking down at her body and I put the electronic tablet on the side table beside the bed. My mind alters back to when she arrived at S.H.I.E.L.D. She was found as a child and Fury watched over her, he was a parental figure to her. She was an orphan who had the ability to shapeshift into a predator, a mutation of human biology. I was just starting my career here at S.H.I.E.L.D. when she arrived. Like both Natasha and Clint, I was one of the people to help train her in combat and the basics of S.H.I.E.L.D. She was the younger sister of us all, she was part of the S.H.I.E.L.D. family. 

I lean down and smile gently, pushing a strand of hair out of her face. A stray tear rolls down my cheek as I place my hand delicately on her cheek.  

"You know, I remember when you fell into that tank of chemicals in Utah. We all thought we lost you back then, and by some miracle, you pulled through after being in a coma. Everyone was preparing to pull the plug but it was if you heard us pleading with you. Please, Kaityln, we need you to do that again. Loki's army is taking over New York, and the Avengers need all the help they can get. Please, just wake up, we miss you... I miss you," I cry out as a couple more tears run down my face. My eyes scan Kaitlyn's appearance and nothing changes to my disappointment.  

I shake my head and wipe away my tears.

Stay strong, Maria. I think to myself as I let out a sad laugh, breathing in deeply to calm myself. 

Taking one last look at her, I sigh and turn on my heel, ready to leave the room. 

"You really need me that much?" 

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