Chapter Eight

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She is gone.

Just gone.

She has just vanished in front of my eyes.

Am I imagining things?

I couldn't have been.

I shouldn't have been.

Katrina is gone.

I rub my eyes just to confirm what I saw.

Have I gone mad? Am I? Did the girl poison me when I wasn't looking?

"My Prince," I turn on my heel and face the Captain of my father's army.

He looks out of breath and seems to have been running.

"Captain Connors," I address him back.

He bows his head in respect and lifts it up to look at me. His golden plated armour with the colours blue and purple clings to him, however, it looks dishevelled and his sword his out of place.

"My Prince, have you seen a girl with dark hair, dark jade eyes and is around this tall?" he asks me slightly heaving.

His hands rise up to just over his own shoulder as my eyebrows furrow whilst describing the girl.

He sounds to be describing Katrina.

My Katrina...

"Who might I ask she is?" I question even though I thought I already knew the answer.

Captain Connors then lifts his own eyebrows in confusion as if to ask why I wanted to know.

"A friend of mine, Sir," he replies a little unsure of himself, although I can hear the protectiveness behind his tone. 

I nod my head and walk around him, making him feel weak.

I encircle him and make him feel trapped.

A speciality of mine.

Although the Captain doesn't seem to back down.

"Now, Captain Connors, who might this lady friend of yours be? Not causing trouble I hope," I taunt as he gulps and shakes his head.

"No, my Prince," he replies unsure of himself. 

I nod my own head and continue to make him feel threatened.

"So, why are you looking for her?" I ask him innocently.

Captain Connors shifts his position and then stands straight.

"I just need to see her," he says plainly.

I was getting impatient with this man but I didn't show it, why can't he just answer my questions? I then stop. I turn to him and then squint my eyes.

"What is her name?" 

As the next words slip out of his mouth, I have him pinned up to the wall by his throat.

"Katrina-" He struggles for breath. 

I have a firm grip on his throat and tighten it more and more, my anger seeping through.

"What have you done with her?" I hiss.

The confusion was set clear all over his face.

"Nothing... W... why would I?" he rasps, a small amount of anger evident in his own voice.

I stare at him struggling as I begin to chuckle darkly shaking my head disapprovingly.

"Oh, I don't know... Maybe... kidnapped her?!" I exclaim and shock his shown in his dirt ground eyes.

The Tigress and The Frost giant | Loki & Avengers FanfictionOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz