Chapter Twenty: Control

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Once arriving inside the jet, Steve walks towards a leather seat and gently places me onto it as I offer him a small smile in appreciation.

"You're safe now, Kaitlyn," he whispers, kneeling in front of me, concern flowing through his eyes. I nod my head softly and don't break eye contact with him.

"Kat? Are you alright?" I hear Natasha ask using my nickname to bring comfort to my ears.

I close my eyes as I sigh internally, my mind flickering to the past events of the past few days. My brain relays all of the memories as they flash inside of my head.

First, it was watching my colleagues being butchered in front of my eyes. I was helpless, and I couldn't do anything to save them, my job was to leave the facility and I even failed to do that.

Next, was my close friend being hypnotised to become a psychopathic God's minion. I couldn't save Clint, and I wish I did. He was one of the only people in my life who accepted me for who I am, he wasn't afraid of me, and now I may have lost him.

And, the last straw was being kidnapped by the psychopath and used to lure my additional teammates to him.

"She's had a God capture her Natasha, I don't think she is just going to be alright," Steve emphasises, concern lacing his tone as I watch him walk over towards her in the cockpit.

"Down boy," I call jokingly as I smirk across at Steve who raises his brows at my playful nature.

"I'll be okay, Nat," I reply with a smile on my lips as I notice her turn to glance at me with a small smirk on her face.

"You're made of strong stuff, Kat, I should know since I helped build that," she comments playfully as I close my eyes nodding my head in agreement with her.

I rest my head against the seat and let my mind lull into subconsciousness for a moment. My body releases all of its tensions and anxieties as I feel my body begin to slowly shut down into sleep. However, just before I let sleep take over, I feel a light sheet being draped across my body.

I open my eyes and see a tall man in a red and gold metal suit staring down at me with a gentle shine in his eyes.

"Heya kiddo, how's the head doing? Do you need any paracetamol?" Tony asks me kindly as he begins to look through the medication cabinet in the jet.

"No thanks, Tony. If you have something which can eradicate the past few days though, that would be perfect," I joke as Tony looks over his shoulder at me smirking.

"Then the only thing I can offer you is some booze," he suggests half-joking.

"Only if you're buying, Grandpa," I joke in response as he chuckles at me.

"The cat shows her claws," he mocks with humour, holding out his hands and mimicking a feline.

I shake my head laughing under my breath and close my eyes again.

Previously, I had told both Steve and Tony about the headaches I had been getting but I never told them that the reason behind them were the visions. I didn't want to worry them further than they already were.

Besides, I wasn't the priority here, Loki was and the reason as to why he wanted the Tesseract.

Despite having my eyes closed, I can still feel the presence of another pair staring straight at me. I sigh and realise that I will not be able to simply just go to sleep and open my eyes whilst cautiously sitting up.

I see Loki sitting in the seat opposite me with his hands cuffed.

When did he get there? I question internally as I observe the God watching me.

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