Chapter Thirty- Seven: A Reality of our own

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Chapter Thirty- Seven: A Reality of our own

*Many Years Ago*

The young Princess of Vanaheim was currently sitting in the palace gardens, one of her favourite places in the entire terrains of her birthplace. The garden was surrounded by occult powers that she had created with the help of her mother.

"Sweetheart, what are doing out here?" the youthful Princess raises her head at the sound of a familiar voice.

"I'm in my safe place, mother," the Princess informs the older woman as she approaches the young Princess, walking with grace.

Pride shines in the Queen's eyes as studies the blue shimmering birds flying next to her daughter.

"You know, magic isn't entirely frowned upon in this kingdom," the Queen reassures her daughter as she lifts her hand, a light lilac butterfly appearing in her hand lightly fluttering its wings.

The Princess stares at her mother's palm, an excited gleam in her eyes as they land on the small mystic insect.

"You have to teach me that one!" the Princess cheers out in excitement, mesmerised by her mother's power.

"And I will, but first we must address why I came looking for you," the Queen states as she takes a seat beside the young Princess on the stone bench.

"Do we have to? Can we not just avoid it?" the Princess whines, lightly tugging on the dark blue dress she was wearing. Her mother chuckles lightly and places her left arm around her daughter's shoulders and hugs her tightly.

"We cannot avoid the inevitable, my Leilani," her mother says softly placing a gentle kiss to the side of her daughter's head.

"Does Vanahiem really need to take part in this alliance?" Leilani complains, sulking a little.

The Queen sighs at her young daughter's antics. Leilani was only a young child, a beautiful girl with honey-gold locks and bright eyes. She was a gentle, loving and intelligent girl who knew her rights and responsibilities. Leilani never backed away from a fight, she was too stubborn in nature and her talents for the mystic arts were to be admired.

"Borr is struggling enough to keep the Nine Realms at peace, my flower. With this alliance, we will be protecting another planet from harm and helping Asgard sustain peace," the Queen explains as her young daughter raises her brow.

"Come now, mother. When Odin is King we will not need to make alliances, he will have the power to keep the peace himself without Asgard needing any help from us," Leilani says smugly remembering back to the brief chats she had with the older Asgardian Prince when she and her mother would visit.

"Then why don't marry him?" the Queen jests as her daughter scrunches her face up in disgust.

"Me and Odin? Are you joking mother?! I would kill the stubborn boy!" the Princess shouts in shock, pushing her mother away.

"Besides, I don't need a man to make me feel protected, I already am powerful," the young Princess stands to her feet hitting her chest lightly, her head tilted proudly.

Leilani would definitely become a strong Queen in the future.


The grass was luscious beneath their feet as they walked across the new land they had arrived on.

"A'lar's did tell me this place was beautiful," the Queen mumbles under her breath staring in awe at the place.

"This place will be overpopulated in years to come, there will be no more beauty after that," Leilani says as she studies the planet watching as crowds of people rush around happily.

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