Chapter Thirteen - Nicholas Tracks Down a Witch

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Nicholas Tracks Down a Witch

North Yorkshire, England

Nicholas watched with mild interest as a particularly fetching witch flounced past him, her familiar scurrying behind her shapely legs. Her face was highlighted briefly by the lamp light, thin but attractive. Searching through his memory of blurred faces he tried to recall if he'd bedded her before. Another witch whizzed by, giving him a sly smile, and he gave up with a wicked grin.

Perhaps he'd stay a bit longer than he'd intended.

As usual Elm Moore was bustling with activity, home to the largest coven the estate was witch central. The old manor had seen better days, aged and decayed. The surrounding buildings and cottages were equally decrepit from the constant flow of magic. He wondered how anyone could stand to live there at all, with the near constant explosions and uproarious laughter echoing through the night.

Placing his hand casually over the hilt of his sword his took note of a group of males standing off in the shadows. A gleam of blood red caught his eye.


That was interesting but not unusual. Witches were neutral for the most part. They often didn't care whom they did business with as long as the pockets were deep. Personally Nicholas didn't bare any ill will towards the vampires. Hell, if he were honest he was no better when it came to killing, he could be just as cruel, just as evil. However, he knew Bane would be none too pleased.

Scowling he turned his attention to the small stone house up the path. The three-story cottage was tall and narrow, pink rose bushes crawling up the walls. It was hard to imagine the formidable demon berserker he'd known for a millennia living in such a homely place.

Bane stood outside with the witch Chloe, the torches out front casting their faces in an eerie glow. Nicholas smirked as he took in the demons pissed off expression.

Swiping a hand through his dark brown hair Bane frowned in agitation. "Damn it, Chloe, their kind are dangerous."

"I said no, this is coven business," Chloe snapped. "You can't just start slaughtering vampires."

Bane bared his fangs. "I don't want you fucking with the red eyes, they can't be trusted."

"This isn't up to you!" She tossed Nicholas a glare as he approached them. "Why is he here?"

"Chloe," Bane warned, his tone low.

"Come for a fuck?" Chloe asked sharply. "Or information?"

Nicholas tossed the witch his best come hither grin. "Both."

Rolling her eyes she huffed, "Pa-lease." Walking past Nicholas haughtily Chloe went inside the house, slamming the door behind her.

Nicholas watched her go with amusement. "Pretty when she's all worked up."

"She's mine," Bane snarled, rounding on him. "Mind yourself, merc."

Nicholas smirked. "Didn't see your mark on her."

Crossing his arms Bane gave him a look that promised death. "I'm working on it. You stay the fuck away from my witch."

Laughing, Nicholas held up his hands. "Got it. You know virgins aren't my thing."

Bane snorted. "Chloe ain't no damn virgin."

"Is that so? Then what's the problem?"

"She's....difficult," the big demon grumbled.

"Really? I couldn't tell," Nicholas replied sarcastically.

"Fuck off," Bane spat. "You want information or not?"

His face turned serious, all joking forgotten. "What have you discovered?"

"Not much," Bane admitted reluctantly. "There is a witch out of Ireland, Grace the Enchanted. According to my sources Shaw uses her exclusively."

Nicholas clenched his jaw. "That's it?" Talk about grasping at fucking straws.

"That wasn't easy to come by. I had to pull strings with the coven. He was born in Lithuania, but his old packs long gone now, driven out by the human wars." Bane sighed, shaking his head. "The wolfs a fucking ghost."

"Everyone has a weakness." He would find Vincent's and use it against him. Just the thought made his blood pump just a little bit faster.

Bane studied him for a moment. "Does Queen Victoria know of this?"

"The Demon King forbids it. He doesn't want her to worry."

"She's gonna be pissed when she finds out."

Nicholas grinned. "Can't wait." A fired up Tori was a fun Tori.

"She won't approve. Not after all that's happened. Queen Victoria just wants to move forward."

He shrugged. It didn't really matter to him what Victoria may or may not approve of, the wolf sealed his fate the moment he signed a pact with the Legion to take Tori away. Nicholas would make the wolf suffer, and he would relish every fucking moment.

Bane exhaled loudly. "I see. I need a drink. You?"

"Always," Nicholas grated. He followed Bane into the house, taking in the worn furniture, old photos, and dark wood beams. "Nice place, Bane. Very...homey."

"Shut up," Bane grumbled. As they entered the kitchen the demon let out a roar. "Chloe!"

The next thing Nicholas knew both he and the demon were being flown against the wall as an explosion rocked the tiny house. Puffs of smoke filled the room, clouding his vision. Coughing, Nicholas staggered to his feet, his ears still ringing. Blinking he waved his hand, clearing away the smoke to reveal a shocked Chloe standing among the burning ash.

"Chloe, what the fuck!?" Bane shouted, his face furious. The big demon stalked across the still smoldering kitchen, fists clenched at his sides.

Chloe raised her hands, backing away from the quickly approaching berserker. "It was an accident, I swear."

"You nearly blew the damn roof off, again!"

"It was an accident, you ass," Chloe snapped. "I told you not to interrupt me when I was practicing."

"And I told you no bloody magic in the fucking house!" Bane all but bellowed. The demon was standing over her now, his massive frame looming over the much smaller woman. The pink haired witch glared right back.

Nicholas raised a brow, impressed. He'd seen war hardened warriors turn and run from Bane on the battlefield.

Pursing her lips Chloe placed her hands on her hips. "You're my familiar, remember? I tell you what to do!"

Bane growled, his golden eyes taking on a dangerous glow. "The day you order me, witch, is the day hell freezes."

"How dare you. You are my chevalier! I am so sick of you ordering me around, demon! You are such an oversized, arrogant, piece of-"

In a flash Bane wrapped his arms around her, hauling Chloe off her feet. Chloe had just enough time to let out a small squeal before Bane kissed her hard. The witch went limp, her tan skin flushing a bright pink.

After a moment Bane released her. Chloe stared up at him, her violet eyes wide. " ass!" she cried, turning on her heel and storming out of the house.

Nicholas raised his brows in question.

Bane grinned. "That'll shut her up for a good while."

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