Chapter Seventeen - The Wolf Wakes

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The Wolf Wakes

"What have you done?" Vincent demanded.

Michael's face remained impassive. "What was best."

Vincent made a fist, his claws biting into his palm. "For the pack or for you?"

"The pack?" Michael gave a cold laugh. "What pack?" He glanced at the two wolves beside him. "These Legion dogs? They serve me because I am alpha."

Confusion raced through him. His eyes flicked to the other two wolves. He didn't recognize them, or their scent. He could scent other wolves on them, none of them familiar. "Where is our pack, Michael?"

Michael glared at him. "You have no pack, brother. But if you are referring to the disgraceful bunch of wolves from before your exile they are gone."

No, not possible. His wolf whined with despair, even after all these centuries he still remembered that connection. "You led them all to their deaths?"

Michael growled, his fangs flashing. "I led them to glory. They were simply too weak to take what I offered."

Not fit to lead. Vincent had known it centuries ago. Michael sacrificed the pack for his own gain. He was vile, a disgrace. Vincent's fangs ached to rip Michael apart, his claws itching for blood. His wolf paced in his mind.

Michael shook his head in warning. "Come now, don't look at me with such hatred. I didn't come here to quarrel."

Vincent just pulled himself back. "Then why are you here?"

The wolf took a step towards him. "To bring you back where you belong. Back to the Legion."

Vincent gave a harsh bark of laughter. "You must be fucking joking."

"Gabriel is willing to forgive your failures. No one has ever escaped the Legion before, and yet you have done what others could not. You are valuable to us, Vincent. A powerful wolf. Come back with me," Michael implored him. "I have missed you."

Vincent's heart remained cold. "Then you shouldn't have exiled me in the first place."

A mixture of emotions crossed over Michael's eyes. "I regret that," the wolf admitted. "You were not the only one that acted out of grief, brother. You were not the only one that lost a mother that night."

Evelyn trembled behind him. Vincent could hear her quivering breaths, knew she was crying.

Michael sneered, "Why do you weep, female?"

"It's her way," Vincent stated protectively. Unconsciously his hand reached out, clasping around her shaking fingers.

"I see." Michael's eyes glanced between the two of them. Vincent could see him calculating, the wheels turning. 

"How did you find me?" Vincent demanded. The amulet should have protected him from Gabriel's seer, unless Levina had lied to him...

A cold smile tugged at Michael's lips. "I knew you'd seek the old witch eventually. You always did have a soft spot for Grace, even as a boy. Tell me, how were you cured of the shadowlock?"

His jaw clenched. "Why did you join the Legion?"

Michael grinned, shaking his head. "Is that the game we are to play?" Michael inhaled deeply, his dark eyes focusing on Evelyn. "What is your name, female?"

"Evelyn," she croaked, her voice barely above a whisper. But it was enough for Michael's keen ears.

The wolf's eyes narrowed in thought. "Evelyn..." A feral grin spread across his face. "The alchemist. Oh, yes, I've heard of you. Were you the one then, who cured my brother?"

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