Chapter Thirty-One - Evelyn the Meek is Dead

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AN: Last chapter of the night. Excuse any errors. I'll go back over it in the morning.

Evelyn the Meek is Dead

Evelyn stirred groggily, her face hot. Her head screamed in pain. With a groan she sat up and opened her eyes. They immediately widened in complete horror at the sight before her. The cottage was completely engulfed in flames.

She scurried backward, ash falling down around her.

Her home was burning.

Memories flashed through her mind. Screams filled her ears.

No! No! No!

She needed Vincent. Where was her wolf?


Eve shot to her feet, ignoring the wave of nausea that followed. Looking around she called out anxiously, "Vincent!" Nothing. She reached out to him with her mind. Again, there was nothing.

Oh no, was he inside!?

Her heart in her throat she ran towards the cottage, not caring about the fire. She would risk burning to save him. She tripped over something in the grass. Wincing she sat up, picking up the bow and arrow.

The cottage collapsed in on itself.

Her heart shattered.

He was gone.

Oh god, he was gone. Not Vincent. Not her werewolf.

No, he couldn't be. She could still feel their connection. It was weak but it was there. Wherever he was he was still alive.

How will I find him?

She felt so hopeless. Tears welled in her eyes, blurring her vision. Clutching the bow to her chest she watched as her home burned, the orange and red flames stretching high into the sky.

"My queen?"

Eve jumped at the deep male voice.

Stumbling to her feet Eve quickly notched the arrow, pointing it at the dark shadow emerging from the woods. It was a man, the same size and height as Vincent. In the light of the fire she could tell his shaggy hair and beard were a deep auburn color.

Something about him was familiar.

"Who are you?" she demanded. "Did the Legion send you?"

He shook his head, easing towards her. "I'm not of the Legion. Not anymore."

"Not anymore?" Her eyes racked over him, noting his blue tinged lips. Shadowlock. "Get away from me."

"I wont hurt you, my queen." He raised his hands in submission. "I've come to help."

"Help?" she asked bitterly. "Who are you?"

"My name is Stephan Alder."

He had a Lithuanian accent. "You're a werewolf?"

The big male took a step closer. "Aye."

"From Vincent's pack?"

Stephan shook his head. "Rival packs in those times. Doesn't matter now, my queen."

"Why do you keep calling me that?"

Bright blue eyes focused on her neck. "You have the mark of an alpha. I swear myself to you, therefore you are my queen."

Eve blinked, her mouth dropping. "What?"

He took another careful step. She tightened her grip on the bow, assessing him. His demeanor was calm and non-threatening, but it was his eyes that stayed her. They were gentle and kind. "We've met before, do you not remember?"

The Hunter's Queen (ICS Book Two) - Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now