Chapter 32: The Only Way Out Of Here Is The Way I've Avoided For All My Life

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Chapter 32: The Only Way Out Of Here Is The Way I've Avoided For All My Life

Andy's POV

I opened my car door and was about to get in when I heard a scream come from inside the house. I bit my lip but got in the car anyway and started it up. I'm pretty sure it was just a scream of frustration. I pulled out of the driveway and drove down the street. 

As I drove, my mind raced. What if she fell, what if she got hurt, what if she went into labor? I read somewhere that stress causes labor...right? Maybe I just pissed her off and she just had to scream to get it out. Maybe I should call her just to make sure she's okay.

I pulled out my phone and pressed on her contact, listening to it ring. It went to her voicemail and my heart started to race faster. Maybe she's just mad at me and doesn't want to pick up.

What the fuck am I doing? I basically abused my pregnant wife and left her home alone while I go to a liquor store to get drunk! I am the fucking worst! I knew I wasn't ready to be a father but damn, I'm a bad husband.

I turned around and raced back home. I parked crookedly in the driveway and ran up to the front door, fumbling with my keys and opening the door. I felt my knees get weak and tears sprung to my eyes when I walked into the house. My wife was lying on the ground, looking limp and lifeless. There was blood on the carpet under her head and her arms were wrapped around her bulging stomach.

"Leilani." I cried, dropping to my knees. I put my ear next to her head and heard her slow breathing. I grabbed my phone and dialed 911, afraid to move her.

"911, what is your emergency?"

"I-I need an ambulance right away." I said and gave the dispatcher my address.

"Okay, what is the emergency."

"M-My wife, something happened, I don't know. I just came home from work and she was lying on the ground, passed out and-and there's blood coming from her head. Please, hurry, she's pregnant."

"Please calm down, sir. How far along is she?"

"She's two months with twins."

"Do you live in an apartment or a house?"

"A house."

"What's your name?"

"Please get here." I sobbed.

"I'm going to need you to calm down."

"My name is Andy Biersack."

"Okay Andy, just stay on the line until the paramedics arrive. They're on their way. What's the phone number you're calling from?" I gave her my cell phone number, trying to take deep breaths to stay calm. I stroked her hair and rubbed her stomach as I watched to see any changes in her. I heard the ambulance outside and hung up.

The paramedics rushed in with a stretcher and I moved out of the way. They checked her vitals before lifting her onto it and strapping her down. One paramedic walked up to me and started asking questions.

"Sir, what is your wife's name?"

"Leilani Biersack." He asked a few more questions as they rolled her out of the house.

"Do you want to ride in the ambulance sir?" A paramedic asked as they loaded Lani onto the stretcher.

"No thank you, I'll follow in my car." I said and he nodded, climbing into the ambulance. They closed the doors and pulled away. I got back into my car and turned it on, pulling out of the driveway. I started driving slowly to the hospital, still trying to calm myself down.

I passed a liquor store and bit my lip but kept driving. I eventually turned around and parked in the parking lot, walking in and buying a bottle of whiskey. I got back into my car and took a few sips, eventually finishing the entire bottle and passing out.

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