Chapter 35: I'm Lost, Please Help Me Find My Place

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Chapter 35: I'm Lost, Please Help Me Find My Place

Lani's POV

*One Week Later*

"I'm getting really worried about Andy." I said, emerging from the bathroom after getting dressed. I was being released from the hospital today and I haven't heard a word from Andy. Ashley checked with the guys and they said they hadn't seen or heard from him either.

"Do you want us to take you to your house?" Gina asked.

"Yeah, maybe he's there." I said. We walked out of the room and I signed myself out while Gina and Ashley went to the car. I walked out of the hospital and they were waiting out front. I got into the backseat, staring out the window, hoping I'd see Andy driving.

"Call if you need anything, okay?" Ashley said as I got out of the car.

"Of course, thank you so much." I said, closing the door and walking up to the front door. I opened the door, hoping Andy was in here.

"Andy!" I called, closing and locking the door. I searched every room, seeing no sign of him. I really hope he's not dead in a ditch somewhere.

*The Next Day*

I was sitting in the living room when my cell phone rang. I looked at who it was, but it was an unknown number. I shrugged and answered it anyway, in the slight chance it might be Andy.


"Leilani." I heard Andy say.

"Andy!" I exclaimed, tears coming to my eyes. "Oh my god, are you okay? Where are you? Are you hurt? Do I need to-"

"Calm down babe, I'm fine."

"I was so scared you were dead in a ditch somewhere. I was so worried about you! Where the fuck are you?"

"I checked into that rehab center I was at before. But this time, I'm here for a month. Can you come down here? I really need to talk to you face to face."

"O-Okay, I'll be right down." I said and hung up. I grabbed my car keys and left the house, getting into my car and turning it on. I pulled out of the driveway and drove quickly to the rehab center, gripping the steering wheel so hard, my knuckles turned white. I parked next to Andy's car and got out, walking in and up to the front desk. 

"I'm here to see Andrew Biersack. I'm his wife, Leilani Biersack." I said. She looked at something at her computer and then back at me.

"Please go wait for someone to take you back." She said. I nodded and sat down in an empty chair, rubbing my big belly. Thank God Andy's only in here for a month so he'll be here when the babies are born...that is if he still wants anything to do with me or his children. I pulled out my phone and texted Ashley.

Lani~ Found Andy.

"Leilani Biersack?" A worker said, walking out.

"That's me." I said, standing up. He handed me a tag that said "VISITOR" in big, blue letters. I clipped it onto my shirt and looked at him.

"Do you have a cell phone on you?" He asked and I nodded. "Please turn it off and place it in this basket." He said. I did so and put it in the basket he held out to me. He led me over to a metal detector.

"Walk through." He said and I did. It didn't beep so they quickly patted me down and then handed me back my phone. "Keep that off while you're in there. You are allowed a hug on arrival and a hug on departure. You are limited to one hour. You are not to give Mr. Biersack anything or receive anything from him, you understand?"

"Yes sir." I said as we walked down a hallway. He led me to a room that had various other people talking and crying. He pulled out a chair for me and I sat down.

"Mr. Biersack will be here soon." He said and left. I tapped my fingers on the metal table, nervous to see Andy. I shouldn't be nervous to see my husband, but I am.

"Leilani." I turned to see Andy approaching my table. I stood up and hugged him tightly. He hugged me back the best he could with my belly. I started to sob into his shoulder, Andy rubbing my back.

"Break it up." The nurse said that brought Andy in. We reluctantly let go and sat down. Andy stretched his arms across the table and I grabbed his hands. He rubbed his thumbs over the backs of my hands, looking into my eyes. I didn't say anything, just stared at him, biting my lip.

"You look...great." Andy smiled.

"As good as I can being two months pregnant with twins."

"Leilani, you always look beautiful, no matter what." He said with a small smile. I looked down and bit my lip, blushing.

"We're all really worried about you Andy. We had no idea what happened to you! The hospital said you were going to follow the ambulance but you never showed up!"

"My therapist and everyone else whose been watching over me here thought it would be a good idea if I had zero contact with the outside world to aid with my recovery. I needed to focus on myself before I contacted you or Ashley or anyone."

"So you went straight here after I got picked up by the ambulance?"

"Not exactly." He sighed, pulling his hands away. "Another part of my recovery is coming clean about everything. So, please don't get mad at me Leilani."

"What the fuck did you do Andrew?" I asked, my voice breaking. 

"As you probably could have guessed, when I left the house after our fight, I was going to a liquor store to get drunk. I heard you scream and went back to the house. I called 911 and made sure you were taken care before getting back in my car and going to the liquor store. I should have went to the hospital. I should've been at your side when you woke up, but I wasn't. I got drunk. I was freaked out, I was angry and getting drunk allowed me to escape those feelings. I love you so much Leilani and I love our children. I will learn to be a good father, I will learn how to help you out. I don't want to lose you and I don't want to lose our babies. That's why I'm in here getting sober, for you and for our children."

"I love you so much Andy."

"I-I'm not done." He said. "I got so drunk that night, I blacked out. I don't know what happened. The next morning, I woke up in bed with Juliet."

"Excuse me?"

"I cheated on you Leilani, I'm so sorry. I slept with Juliet. As soon as I realized what happened, I got dressed, left and ended up back at the liquor store. I debated for a long while whether I should go inside or not. Instead, I started my car back up and drove here and checked myself in."

"You cheated on me? With Juliet?" I asked, my voice monotone and low.

"I'm so sorry Leilani." He said, reaching out to grab my hand but I yanked it away.

"You're sorry? You sleep with your ex girlfriend and you're sorry?"

"Lani, it happened. There's nothing I can do about it! I just need you to forgive me."

"Forgive you?" I laughed and stood up, walking out of the room. I walked back through the metal detector and gave my visitor badge back, walking out of the building to my car. I got in and started it up, driving home and walking into my house. I walked up to my room and collapsed onto the bed, crying myself to sleep.  

Lead Me Out Of The Dark (Andy Biersack Love Story) [COMPLETED]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon