Chapter 34: But There's Too Many Things Still In The Way

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Chapter 34: But There's Too Many Things Still In The Way

Andy's POV

I woke up with a serious hangover. My head was pounding and I tried opening my eyes but the sun pouring in through the windows made me close them again. I let out a groan and rolled over, my arm landing on someone. I smiled at the thought of Leilani being by my side and pulled her close to me. I placed my hand on her stomach, expecting to feel a baby bump, but felt nothing. I opened my eyes and saw long, brown, wavy hair. This isn't Leilani. 

I bit my lip, scared of finding out who it was. Whoever it was, I cheated. I was naked and laying in a bed with a strange woman. I pulled my arm away from the mystery woman and scooted away. She turned to face me, her eyes slightly open. I gasped when I saw that familliar face looking at me. The face I had seen for too many years, morning after morning.

"Good morning." She smiled.

"Oh my god." I groaned, laying flat on my back and putting my hands on my face.

"What's wrong? Didn't you have a great night?" She asked, wrapping her arms around me.

"No I didn't! I was drunk, I didn't know what I was doing. I-I cheated on my wife!" I exclaimed, sitting up. How am I ever going to tell Leilani that I cheated on her while she's carrying my children. "I-I have to go." I said, getting out of the bed and finding my boxers, slipping them on.

"Andy, baby, wait!" She exclaimed, sitting up, the sheet covering her naked body. I found the rest of my clothes and pulled them on.

"Stay the fuck away from me Juliet." I said, putting on my shoes and running out of the bedroom. I found my keys and ran out of her apartment, finding my car in the parking lot and driving away. Driving to where? I don't know. Just driving. 

I can't go home, there's no point. I can't go to the hospital, I can't face Leilani right now. I can't go to any of my band member's houses because by now, they probably all know I abandoned my wife and child. There's only one place to go. 

I pulled into the parking lot of the liquor store. I parked my car and took the keys out, taking off my seat belt. I put my hand on the door handle, but didn't open the door. I don't know why I couldn't get out of the car. I just needed to drink my problems away, forget any of this ever happened. Maybe if I can forget, none of it would have ever happened.

But I can't. It happened. I fought with my wife, I hurt her. I abandoned her and my children. My babies. I don't just have myself to worry about and care for anymore. I now have Leilani and the twins. I can't just keep getting drunk and avoiding my adult responsibilities. I need to own up to my mistakes. I need to man up and I need to grow up.

Then, I did something I never thought I would. I turned my car back on and pulled out of the parking lot. I began to drive again, having every intention of going to the hospital, but I didn't. Instead, I ended up at the rehab I was at earlier when I first got sober. Before I could take care of my band or my wife or my children, I needed to take care of myself.

I got out of my car and walked in the front doors and up to the front desk.

"I need to check myself in. I'm an alcoholic."


Ooh, what do you think is going to happen?

EmilyC8908 gave me the Juliet idea

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