Chapter 4: It's Not Quite A Mystery

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Chapter 4: It's Not Quite A Mystery

Lani's POV

*One day later*

"Lani, if you are pregnant I will be there every step of the way." Andy said as we were waiting for my results.

"That means a lot." I said tearing up. Suddenly the doctor came in, I was really nervous.

"The results are back. Ms. King, you are not pregnant.." The doctor said and left. I began to smile and laugh. Andy started tearing up.

"What's wrong?" I asked, turning to Andy.

"I'm really glad that you're not pregnant, because boy am I not ready, but I was actually starting to like the fact that I was going to become a father." Andy said.

"I just can't handle a baby right now. I'm only 19." I said.

"I'm only 23." Andy said with a small laugh.

"Maybe we can get you a puppy." I said trying to brighten things up.


"Thank you, Kansas City!" Andy screamed as he ran off the stage. I sat with him during the signings. Andy is so caring to his fans. We got back to the bus and I was sitting between Andy and Ashley.

"I heard you had bit of a scare." Ashley said to me.

"Uh, yeah." I said quietly.

"Quit acting sad I'm just messing around, Lani."

"Right, haha." I said.

"You still look sad." He said.

"I'm not." I answered.

"LIAR!" He screamed as he started to tickle me. I fell to the floor laughing trying to get him off of me.

"Ash, c'mon now." CC said. "Be nice to our newest tour mate or I will help her get you back" CC said.


"Lani, you're so pretty" Andy said as we were cuddling.

"Thank you." I said. Ashley brought a band whore onto the bus and she stole my bunk so I'm sleeping with Andy tonight.

"Andy, promise me you won't hurt me." I said quietly.

"I won't." He said.

"He beat me." I said sobbing.

"Who?" He said.

"My ex-boyfriend." I responded.

"THAT FUCKER!" Andy yelled loudly.

"I'm just so scared he's going to find me and kill me." I told him.

"I won't let anything or anyone hurt you." He said pushing the hair out of my face. And just like that we both fell asleep. Better.


Listening to We R Who We R~ Chunk! No, Captain Chunk!


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