Chapter 16: We Found Her!

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Chapter 16: We Found Her!


I heard a knock on the door. I knew it was Austin.

"Come in!"

"Dude, are you okay?" Austin asked.

"No, Lani's sister just got kidnapped! As soon as this shit started happening!" Austin was silent. "I have a pretty good idea on where she's at." I told him.

"Let's go get her, I'll back you up," Austin said. I jumped in my car. Austin got in the passenger seat. "Where is she dude?" He asked me.

"Lani's ex-boyfriends, he only lives ten minutes aw--" I was cut off by my phone ringing. It was Gina. "Yeah?" I asked.

"Is Lani allowed to have visitors?" She asked.

"Yeah, why?"

"Just wondering."

"Whatever you do don't mention Kaielee to her. I'm assuming you already know."

"Yes, Andy. I have to go." I hung up as I arrived to Lani's old apartment complex.

"301A is the address"

"Okay, let me go in first, I have a gun in my backpack," Austin told me. He got out and ran to the door. I ran in after him.

"KAI!" I screamed. Kai was tied up and naked. "YOU MOTHERFUCKER!" I screamed. Dan started to charge at me. Austin shot him before he got to me. I couldn't think straight. "Kai, are you okay?"

"I don't want to talk about it." She told me.

"Yes this is Austin Carlile we need an ambulance and a police here. Kaielee Reno has been found alive." I'm glad Austin called the police. I forgot my phone in the car.


I waddled up to the doors of the hospital.

"Yes, hi. I'm Regina Anderson I'm here to see Lelani Reno."

"Yes ma'am we've been expecting you."The nurse smiled.

"How far along are you?" The other nurse asked.

"Nine months."

"Wow, is it a boy or a girl?"

"A baby girl."

"Okay, Regina. Lelani is waiting for you in the visitors room down the hall." I waddled down the hall.

"LELANI!" I screamed.

"GINA!" We hugged. "You came to see me! I've missed you," she told me.

"I've made a big decision. I want you to be the first to hear it."




Oooh, should she keep it?

Listening to The Kill~ Thirty Seconds To Mars


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