Chapter 11: Hawaii: Part 2

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Chapter 11: Hawaii: Part 2


As we were landing my ears started to pop. Andy was sleeping and Kai was taking a picture for Instagram.

"Andy, wake up we're almost here!" I said, shaking him.


"You're such a cute sleeper, Biersack." I smiled, pinching his cheek.

"Please." He said chuckling and swatting my hand away as he sat up. We gathered out stuff and slowly made our way out of the plane, behind everyone else.

As we walked out of the Honolulu airport, I immediately recognized the people standing beside a limo. The big plump one was my birth mom. She was obviously full Hawaiian. I looked nothing like her. Her name was Alana Lelani Pons. The scrawny man beside her was my birthdad. He was either white or half Hawaiian, I couln't tell. I looked exactly like him. He was wearing a Mitch Lucker shirt. He was obviously my dad. His name was Ethan.

"Aloha, welcome back to Hawaii!" Alana said to me and Kai with a huge smile. "Oh, LeLe how I missed you!" She exclaimed.

"LeLe?" Andy whispered in my ear.

"My old nickname." I said before turning back to my parent's.

"Who's this?" Ethan asked referring to Andy.

"Andy, my boyfriend." I said with a smile, gripping Andy's hand.


"Yes sir, that's me." Andy replied.

"You got a winner, LeLe." My dad nudged me. "Kaielee you're such a pretty little girl." Kai blushed but she didn't say a word.

"Shall we go?" I asked breaking the silence. We got into the limo, Kai taking more pictures for Instagram.

"This is so cool!" Kai exclaimed and we all just laughed.

"Are you guys hungry or tired?" Alana asked.

"Starved," Andy said before I could reply, causing all of us to laugh again.

They took us to a famous chain resteraunt that's only in Hawaii. Andy and I shared a couples dinner. Kai got a kids meal, she passed for twelve even though she's fourteen. Alana and Ethan didn't get anything but Coffee. By the time the bill came we were all stuffed.

"Oh, we own this chain we don't need to pay," Ethan said to the waitress.

"Oh, I'm sorry Mr. Pons, I should of recognized you." She said with a small smile before walking away. They own this place? How? They were so poor. He left a two-hundred dollar tip. Damn, he tips better than Andy.

"Giving just feels so natural to us," Alana said.

"Yeah, that's why you gave us away," I thought.


As we were pulling up to the driveway I didn't know what to expect. They owned a goddamn mansion. We grabbed our stuff and followed our parents inside and up the stairs.

"Kaielee, this is where you'll be staying." Ethan said to her before walking further down the hallway. "Andy and LeLe this is your room."

"It's so beautiful, Dad." It felt so weird saying dad. He was the only dad I had though. The room had a jaw dropping view of the ocean.

"Wanna take a walk on the beach?" Andy asked. "Sure." I shrugged.


Andy was pulling me down to the shore. He was practically running.

"Sit, let's watch the sunset," Andy said. I sat but Andy didn't. I knew what was coming.

"Andrew-" I started but Andy cut me off.

"Lelani, this is a promise ring." He said pulling out a black diamond ring. "Not only is this a promise to me, but to you." I couldn't breathe, everything around me was moving fast. "After you get treatment for yourself like therapy or something we could plan a wedding and I will give you a proper engagement ring." I'm about to cry but right now I don't know how to feel.

"Yes, Andrew, but it better be just a promise ring."

"It is Lani, but do me a favor. Don't tell anyone." He said with a small smile, slipping it onto my finger.

"Done, I love you Andy." I said, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"I love you too, baby." We kissed for what it seemed like forever.


The past couple days had gone by really fast. We went to an amusement park, took hikes in the mountains and rode bikes around Honolulu. Today was our final day in Hawaii. We were lounging around the living room and suddenly Kai asked the question I've been dying for someone to answer.

"Why we were put up for adoption?"

"Kaielee--" Alana said.


"When I was pregnant with you, it wasn't just you in there. You had an identical twin sister. You both came out just fine, or what we though. You guys shared blood, there was only enough blood for one baby. They gave it to you and Luna had to die." Alana stared to cry so Ethan finished

"Both of you were neglected out of our grief and both of you got taken out of our care, I'm so sorry." Kai stood up in shock and ran to her room. Alana tried to chase her but I stopped her.

"I've got this." She nodded and let me follow my sister.

"I wanna go home now, Lani." She sobbed.

"We're leaving in a hour."

"Fine, I'll start packing." She said, slamming the door in my face. When I got back down, it was pretty awkward so Andy and I excused ourselves so we could start packing as well.


We said our very awkward goodbyes and got on our plane going home. Good thing too, Andy's starting to worrying about Bruce a lot.

"Are you sure he's fine?" Andy asked, looking out the window.

"Andy, I'm sure CC is capable of taking care of our dog. He has some of his own at home you know."

"I know, I just feel like I'm leaving my child." I smiled and kissed Andy's cheek at how cute he was being. Before we knew it, we landed in LA.

"Home sweet home," Andy said, unbuckling his seatbelt, leaning over and kissing me. "I can't wait to get home, if you know what I mean." He said with a wink, nudging me a bit.

"Shush, Andrew! Kai can here us." I exclaimed, slapping his arm.

"Doesn't matter. I love you Lani." He said, smiling at me.

"Love you too." I said, kissing his lips again.

We were keeping Kai with us a few more days before she had to return home. We parked in CC's driveway and left Kai in the car while we went to go get Bruce.

We walked up to the door and Andy knocked, bouncing from excitement of seeing his dog for the first time in about a week.

"Hey Andy, hey Lani. BRUCE! YOUR PARENT'S ARE HOME! COME HERE BOY!" CC yelled. Soon, we saw our puppy running towards CC. He saw Andy and I and made a sharp turn, jumping into Andy's arms.

"Hi Bruce!" Andy exclaimed, petting and rubbing his dog. "Did you miss me boy? I missed you." Andy cooed, kissing the dog's nose as he picked it up.

"Hi Bruce." I smiled, petting the dog's head and letting him lick my face. "Thank you so much CC."

"No problem, anything to help out a friend. Bye Bruce." CC smiled, petting Bruce's head before saying bye to us and closing the door. We walked to the car and Andy kept the puppy in his lap the whole way home.


Part 2 written by Hannah.


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