Chapter 41: Annalise Rebekah Biersack and Amber Gabrielle Biersack [END]

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Chapter 41: Annalise Rebekah Biersack and Amber Gabrielle Biersack

Lani's POV

"You're a really good cook Andy." I said, eating the dinner Andy made. I am nine months pregnant and am huge. My due date is in three weeks and I'm already ready to give birth. I sleep for a couple hours because it's too uncomfortable. All I want to do is lay around and eat. Luckily, Andy has been supporting me and has been doing everything lately. I feel bad but I know when the babies come, we'll be so busy and I'll be back to doing stuff again.

"Thank you." He smiled.

"OW!" I screamed, gripping my stomach.

"Are you okay?" Andy asked.

"Yeah, one of the babies just kic-AH! No, no, I'm not okay." I said, gripping the table and leaning over.

"What-what do I do?" He asked, freaking out.

"Just get me to the fucking hospital!"

"Right, right." He said, getting out of the chair. He walked around and helped me to my feet. He walked me out to the car and helped me in.

"Andy, the bag."

"Yeah." He said, running back in. I sent him back into the house multiple times to get shoes for us, phones and his car keys. He was more freaked out than me and I was the one about to push two babies out of me.

We made it to the hospital and Andy helped me in. He got the nurses attention and they put me in a wheelchair, snapping on my hospital bracelet and rushing me to a labor and delivery room. They helped me get me gown on and into the bed. They hooked me up to all the machines in the room before letting Andy in.

"What can I do to help?" Andy asked as I groaned in pain. 

"Call Gina, our parents, my adoptive mom and my sister."

"Okay." He said and ran out of the room.


"One more push Lani!" My doctor exclaimed as I screamed. Andy was on one side of me and Gina was on the other. I was murdering their hands but I was in ten times more pain.

"OW! FUCK!" Andy screamed. I let go of his hand and smacked him hard in the back of his head.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" I screamed, grabbing his hand again. Suddenly, a cry rang throughout the room.

"It's a girl!" The doctor announced. A nurse placed her on my chest and then took her away. "Okay Lani, you're almost done! I can see the other one!"The doctor said. I pushed again, feeling like I was going to die.

"I can't do it! I can't do it! I give up!" I sobbed, throwing my head back.

"Lani, you can do it. After this, you're done. I believe in you." Gina said, wiping my sweaty forehead with a wet rag.

"Come on babe. After this we'll have two beautiful daughters. Just one more push." Andy said, kissing my cheek. I took a deep breath and pushed one last time, hearing another cry.

"It's another girl!" The doctor said. The nurses did the same as with the last baby and Andy was taken out of the room to assist the nurses. Gina moved out of the way so the nurses could clean me up and get me settled.


"I can't get over how beautiful they are." I said as I held one baby and Andy held the other. A few months ago, Andy and I had agreed on names. I came up with Annalise Rebekah and Andy suggested Amber Gabrielle.

"Which one is Amber and which one is Annalise?" I asked.

"Well, I think since the one I'm holding has blonde hair and blue eyes, see should be Amber." Andy smiled.

"Okay, then Annalise has green eyes and brown hair."

"Either way, they're both perfect. Thank you so much for giving me two perfect daughters." He smiled.

"I could say the same you to you my love." I smiled, kissing him.


That's the end!

There will not be a sequel.

Make sure to read the epilouge!

Hope you guys enjoyed!

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