Chapter 7: Bruce and The Party

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Chapter 7: Bruce and The Party


"LANI!" Andy yelled, running down the stairs. He used his long legs to leap and landed next to me.

"What?" I asked, looking at him like he was crazy. I swear I love this man, but sometimes, he acts like he's five.

"So you know how when you first came on tour and everything happened and all that?" I nodded. "Welllll, you said you let me buy a dog so..." He trailed off with a wink. I playfully sighed with a smile.

"Do you really want a dog Andrew?"


"You're so silly, what if you go on tour and I go with you, who's going to take care of it?"

"We can take him with us! Ronnie takes his dog on tour! Or, we can like find a sitter or board him or something."

"Fine, let's go." I said, standing up.

"Really?" I nodded. "Right now?"

"Just in the car before I change my mind." He kissed my lips before running out of the house, barefoot. "ANDREW DEN-Forget it." I slipped my shoes on and grabbed a pair of his, locking the door behind me. I jumped when Andy layed on the horn.

"CALM YOURSELF!" I screamed, opening the door and throwing his shoes at him. "Put your shoes on dork." He quickly slipped them on while I got into the car, closed my door and buckled my seatbelt. Once his shoes were on, he pulled out of the driveway and sped to the dog shelter. I didn't know he wanted a dog so bad. He finally pulled into the parking lot and ran in, not waiting for me. I sighed and closed the door, walking into the shelter.

"Excuse me, did a 6'3 man just come through, black hair, wanting a dog."

"Yeah, he's right back there." She said, pointing to a room with cages and dogs.

"Thank you." I said with a smile, going through the door to see Andy looking at every dog. "Find one you like Biersack?" I asked as he was looking like a kid in a candy shop.

"I WANT THEM ALL!" He screamed, dropping to the ground and rolling around.

"Pick one Andrew." He got up and continued looking.

"LELANI! OVER HERE! HE'S PERFECT!" Andy screamed, pressing his face against the cage. I walked over to him and kneeled down to see the cutest black lab puppy. "Please can we get him Lani!" He begged.

"Sure." I shrugged and Andy cheered. We payed for the dog and carried him out. I had to drive us to Petsmart since Andy wanted to hold the dog.

"Can we name him Bruce?" Andy asked, looking into the puppy's face, kissing it's nose.

"Andy." I whined and he just laughed.

"Pleaseeee Lani!"

"Do you really want to name the dog Bruce?"

"Yes! Batman is fucking awesome!" I playfully rolled my eyes. "Please! It's the perfect name!"


"Yay!" Andy cheered, holding the dog up. "I do hereby dub thee Bruce Biersack." Andy said with a small laugh.

"You're adorable." I snickered, pulling into the parking lot of Petsmart. "Remind me never to let you name our children if we ever have any." I laughed, turning off the car. We bought everything we needed before driving back home. Both Andy and I decided we were tired so we closed off an area for Bruce and put him in it so we could take a nap.

When Andy and I first got together, I was kind of hesitant so I requested that we slept in different rooms. Now, our relationship is getting more serious and I'm starting to trust him more. I finally made the move over to his room so now we sleep in the same bed together.


I woke up from my nap suddenly as I got a text from Ashley.

Ash-Hole~Heyy my man! Wanna party 2nite? Bring ur lady

Andy~Sure lemme ask L

"Lani, wake up!" I said as I was shaking her.

"What the fuck do you want?" She asked angrily.

"Do you want to go to a party at Ashley's?" I asked. "There'll be a lot of band whores there..."

"Fine, whatever. Just let me wake up." She answered. As I was walking down the stairs, Bruce got excited and tripped me, causing me to fall down the stairs.

"FUCK!" I screamed as I went down.

"Hey, are you alright?" Lani asked as she ran to help me. Before I could answer she started laughing.

"Not funny!" I exclaimed.

"You gave yourself a black eye! And Bruce peed on you!" She said through her laughter. I groaned.

"I call the shower first!" I announced.


*2 hours later*

We've must of gotten there late because there were a lot of people there already.

"Hey, Andy! You made it! Who's this? A voice asked. It was too dark to make out his face.

"Yeah, man! Are we late?" Andy asked.

"Nah, nah. You're a bit early actually. This is going to be a hell of a party." The guy said.

"Lani, this is Ronnie. Ronnie, this is my beautiful girlfriend, Lani." Andy said. Holy shit. Ronnie Radke. RONNIE FUCKING RADKE. I try keeping my fangirling under control.

"Hi," I managed to spit out.

"Hey, I'm Gina, Ronnie's fiancé!" The girl next to Ronnie said. "Let's hang!" She pulled me away before I could tell Andy. Gina was so much fun. I managed to lose Andy though. Gina and I went room to room until we found a room with a hooka in it. (A/N: Neither of us have ever smoked so :/)

"Wanna hit?" She asked. I wasn't going to say no but I've had a history with marijuana and rehab so I have to be careful.

"Sure." I replied with a shrug. After a while we got really high and we decided to find Andy and get some food. "I'm floating!!" I yelled as I was running through the hallway.

"Lani?" Someone asked.

"Whaaat?" I answered.

"ARE YOU FUCKING HIGH?!" Fuck. Fuck. It was Andy.

"Nooooo." I said quietly.

"I hate drugs so much. YOU SHOULD KNOW THAT!" Andy roared.

"Sorry, Andy." I said through my tears. I could already feel the high wearing off.

"Just.. Just don't do it again and I'll forget it." He warned. "Let's just party, okay?" Sooner or later we were drunk off our minds. We're both bursting with energy.

"Let's find a room or something." Andy said, slurring his words.

"Kayyyy." I could barely talk. As we went down the hallway, we could here Ashley in his room, doing his business.

"Gina, scream my name!" Ash screamed. Gina's cheating. I walked away before I could hear more. Andy was laying on the bed, naked.

"This was a fun night, but I know how to make it better." He smirked, grabbing me by my shirt, causing me to fall on top of him on the bed.

"I luh youu, Any" I said as he rolled on top of me. It was indeed a better night.


Bruce -------------->

Listening to Daylight~ Maroon 5 and A Thousand Years~ Christina Perri


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