Chapter 3: I Can't Be

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Chapter 3: I Can't Be


*Two Weeks Later*

I got up from the floor and washed out my mouth before walking back and watching the guys perform. I had been throwing up for about a week and just told the guys I was sick. Andy finished his last song and they ran off stage, taking care of their instruments.

"That was awesome guys, as always." I complimented, wiping some extra water from my mouth.

"Thanks Lani." They all said.

*The Next Day*

"I'm going to go to the store, you guys need anything?" They said a few things and handed me money. "Okay, I'll be back." I said, walking off to the store. I walked in and walked straight to the personal items aisle, grabbing the first box of pregnancy tests I saw. I had a huge feeling I was pregnant. I walked up to the cashier and gave them the money, before grabbing the box and running to the restrom that was in the store.

I walked into the first stall I saw and took both of the tests in the box, setting them on top of the toilet in case someone came in. I stayed in the stall and checked my phone every five seconds to see if five minutes had passed yet. I can't possibly be pregnant, right? Andy wouldn't be stupid enough to forget a condom, right? I heard my timer beep and I took a deep breath. I looked at the both of the tests and dropped to the ground, breaking out in sobs.

 "I can't raise a baby!" I said through my tears. I barely even remember having sex with him. I have to leave this tour.

I threw away all of my stuff and went to go looking for the guys' stuff. I was looking at strollers and realized that baby stuff was really expensive. The stroller was $150, I could barely even afford the $6 dollar pregnancy test. I'm never going to be able to do this.

*That Night*

I needed to tell Andy, but I was afraid he was going to make me leave or something. I can't raise this baby alone. He's going to hate me. I just know it. He's a rockstar, he doesn't want some random girl that he just met make him take on a huge responsibility like a child.

"Andy? Can I see you in the bunks?" I asked and he nodded, getting up and following me to the bunks. I closed the door and sighed, leaning against the bunks.

"Yeah?" He asked, flicking on the light.

"I-I'm hungry, do you want to go to Applebees? We need to talk. It's important." I said.

"Sure, why?" He asked. "I'll tell you there." I said and he nodded. He told the guys we were leaving for a bit and then we walked out, walking down the street to the local Applebees. We got seated and ordered. When our food came we just say there awkwardly but of course there was a couple of fangirls asking for autographs.

"Andy." I said, taking a deep breath. "I'm pregnant." His eyes almost popped out of his head.

"What!" He almost screamed, trying to control the level of his voice. I just shook my head and ran out of the restraunt.

"Lani! Wait!" I didn't wait, I just kept running. I ran out of the restraunt and sobbed, tugging on my hair a bit. I felt arms wrapped around me and looked to see Andy.

"Lani, we need to talk about this, like adults. I can't have you running off."

"I-I'm sorry." I sobbed.

"Follow me." He said, grabbing my hand and leading me down the sidewalk. We came up to an empty park and sat on the bench, Andy wrapping his arm around my shoulders. I laid my head on his shoulder and continued to cry while he tried to comfort me. I pulled away from him and wiped my tears.

"I'm so sorry Andy. I'm so fucking stupid and I never should have had sex with you. I'm so fucking irresponsible and I understand if you want to kick me off the tour and never talk to me again. I'm so sor-" He grabbed my face and crashed his lips to mine, pulling away after a few seconds. I just looked at him with a wierd look.

"I had to shut you up." He said with a smirk. "Anyway, if you're done rambling about nonsense. I wanted to ask you some important questions. Are you for sure you're pregnant?"

"I took some tests I bought from the store, but that's all."

"Okay, well those arn't always correct, right?"

"I guess." I shrugged.

"We'll take you to the hospital tomorrow and get you checked out, no problem."

"I-I don't have enough money for a hospital visit."

"I'll pay for it, don't worry."

"Y-you don't have to-"

"Lelani, this is possibly my child too, right?"

"Yes, that's the only thing I'm positive about."

"Alright, well as the possible father, it's my job for me to care about that both of you. That means helping you pay for all the baby stuff and making sure the both of you are okay."

"S-So, you're not mad."

"I-I don't really know how I feel. But, if you are indeed pregnant, I know I'll be happy sooner or later. I promise I won't make you go through this alone."

"Thank you." I smiled and we hugged before heading back to the bus.


We both wrote this chapter.

Listening to Shake It Up Theme Song~ Selena Gomez


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