Multiple Q's at once!

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Scout: *snaps* Damn! I mean! Yay! You're back!

Me: *glares* Okay. Lets get to some questions that were asked!

VexDeathmoon asks:

"Sniper? Are you,um, single? *blushes intensely cause I'm shy af*"

Sniper: FOINALLY! Oi got a question! Heh. Yes oi am. *smiles and hold your chin in his fingers* You're cute when ya blush sheila.

Me: Next question!

JoannaNikolakakos asks:

"Soldier! How do you feel about not having any questions so far? X3"


Demo: Soldier! Calm down lad.

Soldier: Sorry. I feel like you all can't recognize a warrior when you see one! I should be drowning in all the questions you have for me!

Spy: *rolls eyes*

Me: Next question!

@BritneyMitchell7 asks:

"Scout what's it like being youngest on the team?"

Scout: It ain't bad. Just means I get all the ladies and these old farts-

Everyone: *glares daggers at Scout*

Scout: Yeah uh n-never mind.

Me: Prick. Alright next question!

LipstickJungle222 asks:

"Engie? Will you play me a song on your guitar? MarkpliersGF, will you do the conga dance taunt with me? *stretches hand out*"

Engie: Sure thing darlin'. *pulls out guitar, tunes it, and begins playing a song*

Me: HELL YEAH! LET'S DO IT! *takes your hand and yanks you to the middle of the floor with me. starts doing the conga* WOO! YES! *song ends* Alright! That was fun! Thanks for that! Moving on to the next question!

mysticfairy16 asks:

"Oh, all of you guys! Yes, you now all have a question!

If you guys had to be stuck with one person in a closet, in the entire world, for an entire day, who would you chose?"

Scout: MISS PAULING! *clears throat* Uh, Miss Pauling.

Spy: *wraps arms around you and pulls you close* You.

Sniper: Hm... Oi'd have ta go with a koala just so oi could hug it.

Me: Awww! That's cute!

Sniper: Thanks sheila.

Soldier: SUN TZU!

Demo: Hm... Mah bottle of scrumpah! *holds up bottle*

Me: Really?

Heavy: *shrugs* Maybe dokter. We good friends.

Medic: Hm... anyvone? Difficult decision... Perhaps vith somevone I could experiment on!

Me: 0-0

Pyro: *hugs balloonicorn* Mmmmphh!


Engie: Ah don't know... uh... *blushes* Um... *mumbles something incoherent*

Me: *leans in* What was that?

Engie: Ah said I'd like to be in there with *mumbles*

Me: Engie come on speak up.

Engie: *points at you* Ah'd like to be in there with that cutie. *blushes and looks away*

Me: Awww! Engie you're so cute. Oh and me? Um... I'd like to be in there with Markiplier! Anyways, next question!

Red_Spy_ asks... well tells:


Spy: Zhat's not a question but I LIKE IT!

Scout: N-

Spy: *kicks Scout in the nuts*

Scout: *holds area... grunts.... falls to his knees.... falls onto his side and twitches*

Everyone: *laughs uncontrollably for 5 minutes*

Me: Okay... okay... woo! *wipes tear away* Next question!

TatjanaMirkovic asks... well tells as well:

"(shows medic a picure of him shirtless)nice abbs medic :)"

Medic: *chuckles* Danke schon.

Me: Next!

TatjanaMirkovic asks:

"Medic if you want il be your girlfriend,i realy like you and you are so cute and hadsome.(kisses medic on the lips)"

Medic: *kisses back softly, holding you close*

Everyone: ooooooo!

Me: *nods approvingly, whispers* You go girl!

Medic: *pulls away* I vould like nosing more zhen to be yours...

Me: *squeals then gets serious* By the way, if you have ever seen the anime host club, that's basically what this is. NEXT!

TF2_BLU_FemScout asks:

"Even if I'm on BLU.... S-sniper senpai do you wanna hang out with me? *blushes* or just a hug could work too...."

Sniper: *chuckles. Wraps an arm around your waist and pulls you into him* Can I do both? *hugs you*

Me: Cute! Alright well that covers all the questions. I think the guys are having fun with this.

Everyone: HELL YEAH!

Me: *giggles* Ask some more questions! You can ask the guys a question or even me! Whatever you want! Ask some questions!

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