Why Am I Feeling This Way...Towards A Kishin?

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(Maka's POV~)

This is my first time seeing a kishin kill itself. There was something about her I just couldn't figure out. Soul switched to his human form and put his foot on her chest. "Well, now it's dead. Boobs are squishy too." Soul said to himself. "I'm letting that one slide." I growled. "But she's not dead. I still feel the presence of her soul." I took her back to me and Soul's apartment. I laid her on the floor and lifted her shirt to see the wound. I grabbed an AID kit and started patching her up.
(Learned in Stein's class :D)

~Hours Later ~

(Your POV~)

I woke up in someone's house. "Ugh, where am I?" I grumbled. My head was pounding. I flinched in pain and sat up. I looked around and saw some food on the table. I stared at the food for half an hour. I heard someone's footsteps coming down the stairs. I didn't know if it was friend or foe so I turned my fingers into blades. I realized it was the girl I saw before I blacked out. I felt a hot blush crawl on my cheeks. I felt a little nervous but still kept my guard up. She looked at me with stern eyes. "I'll let you stay if you can behave." she said.

My fingers turned back to normal. I crossed my arms and turned my back on her. "Fine." I mumbled. "What was that?" She asked. "I said fine." I said louder. "What?" She asked again. Okay, now I know she was trying to piss me off so I didn't answer her. "Okay, you asked for it. Blair!!" She said. "Blair?" I questioned. The name sounded familiar. I turned around and was pounced on by a purple haired neko women who was only wearing a towel. First thing I noticed was her enlarged pair of melons. "Get, off, me!" I said while turning bright red. "Do you want to take a bath with me?" She asked. "NO!" I whined. "Your so cute when your struggling!" She squealed.

"Am not!"

"Are too!"

We kept going back and forth until we annoyed the shit out of the girl. "Okay Blair, you can go now." she growled. The lady left and I sat on the couch. "I said I'll behave." I said loudly. A bright smile grew on her face. "Okay." With that, she walked off. 'Why is she keeping me here? Im a kishin. I could kill her in one blink. I guess I'll stay for a while. I don't have anywhere else to go.' I thought. I slowly dozed off and fell asleep on the sofa.

(Maka's POV~)

Why am I doing this? I mean, for a kishin? Something just told me that she wouldn't be much of a threat if we didn't anger her. I came back in the living room with a cup of water but then I saw her sleeping. Without that hood, she looked....cute. Even if it is a kishin, she's so adorable! I sat next to her and started playing with her black, silky hair. I heard her mumble something in her sleep, but I couldn't make put what she said but it doesn't matter now. It was pretty late, I left the water on the table and went to my room to sleep.

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