My Hero (Part Three)

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Your POV

I waited for about two hours for Maka to come back. I swear if she ditched me, I'm not gonna forgive her easily. I leave the table and walked around, trying to find Maka. "God damn it, Maka. Where are you?" I take me phone from in between my breast and dialed her number. I waited for an answer, but it went straight to voicemail. "Something's not right." I step outside, looking for Maka. I trip over something. I look, it was one of her shoes. My pupils shrink in shock. I held up the shoe and looked around again. "Maka! Maka, where are you!?" I yelled out. Tears dared to come out, but I hold them in.

My phone vibrates. It was a text from Maka. Or was it?

Maka: Hello Kanji, your darling Maka is with us. If you want her back, then find us. We'll be at 674 Reap St. See you later, punk.

I was fueled with rage. I run to the street like I was chasing an ice cream truck. "If they do anything to Maka, I swear I'll kill them!!!" My kishin symbols were visible now. My eyes glowed red, my claws were sharp in an instant. If they do anything to her.....only hell will solve this problem.

(Maka's POV)

The room was dark when I woke up. I couldn't feel my hands and feet. "Is...anyone there?" I squeaked out in fear. "Ah, so the doll finally wakes up, eh? Just to let you know, your friend Kanji might be coming soon." I knew who's voice that was. I try to kick, but my legs were tied. "Get me out of here!!" I scream. A cold blade was drawn to my stomach. I stop moving, not wanting to get cut. "Shut up, you little brat." He hissed.

Tears run down my cheeks. "K-Kanji....please c-come..." I hiccupped. He removes the bandages on my eyes. I look around frantically, to recognize where I was. Looked like a basement to an old warehouse. "Why....what do you want!?" I cry out. "Hmm....there's so many things we could use you for." He uses the knife to cut open my dress and slides his hand up to my chest area. "Hmm...flat, damn it. But I'm sure down here is good." A perverted smirk grows on his face.

His slides his hand downwards, and through my panties. A pink blush grows on my cheeks. "No!" I move around a lot, making his hand come out. "Kanji! Please help me!"

(Your POV)

I run faster, hearing the voice of hatred echo in my head. I hear someone yelling out my name. I know it Maka, but it's so faint. I stop running and stay quiet, trying to catch the direction its coming from. Not too far from hear. I dash in the direction. Maka's voice becomes louder. I walk up to an old warehouse, her voice becoming clearer.

I go to the door and kick it down. I walk inside, following Maka's voice. I hear other males voices arguing with Maka. I slip into the door, sneaking into the basement. I find gangbangers surrounding Maka, molesting her. My anger swirled inside, having a black aura surround me. I let out a small giggle. It seemed to catch their attention, so they turn around.

"Ah, another lady? Come here to save your girlfriend? Well too bad! You're not getting through us!" a guy smirks at me, but my evil smile grows. "You must be mistaken." I sneer. "And what's a little girl like you gonna do about it?" I hide my hand behind my back and have it form into an axe blade. "Let's make this nice and clean. You hive me my woman, and nobody dies. If you don't give me the woman, blood will be spilled. Now, will we do this the easy way, or the hard way?" I said.

"Heh, big words from a little girl. Boys, get her." The males nod and jumps for me. One swing of my blade, they were curdling on their blood on the floor. "H-Hey, let's not get gruesome here! I'll give you the girl, but please let me live!!" The guy falls on his knees, begging for mercy. "Hmm...let me think. No." I swing my blade and his head slides off. His body falls on the floor and I run to Maka. I cut the ropes quickly and held her in my arms. Maka starts crying hard in my chest.

"All I wanted was to have some alone time with you. I'm so sorry I made you ho through all this." Maka yelled in my chest. My hand goes back to normal and I rub her back. "Its okay. I would risk my life just to save you, so it's no problem." I pull back and press my lips on hers.

"Let's....Let's go home. Well get Soul's bike tomorrow..."


Finally!! I finished this chapter!! No more cliff hangers, woooo!!! Give me ideas for the next chapter, I'll give credit to those who do in the next chapter, since I can't remember names. Cya, killers!

Death, out!

In Love With A Criminal (Maka X Reader) (WARNING!!: YURI)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant