Thanks For The Memories

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Its a beautiful day outside. Flowers are signing, birds are blooming...wait, no! No! Take two!

I was in the window, watching little trick-or-treaters walk past, or getting ready. "Kaaaanjiiii, happy birthday!" Maka jumps on me and kisses my cheek. "Hey, Barn Yard." I giggled. Maka kisses me and I kiss back. She bites my bottom lip hard. "Ow!" I yelped. "Drop that nickname!" Maka whined. "Alright, alright, my sweetheart." I give her and Eskimo kiss and slide my hand up her shirt.

I start kissing where her cleavages is. I play with her nipples while she blushes tomato red. "We'll save that for later." I kissed her neck and giggled. "So, trick-or-treating?" Maka asked. I nod and grabbed her butt. "I'll dress up as the booty claimer. You?" I small blush crawled on my cheeks when Maka smirked. "Be serious." Maka giggled. I flip her onto the bed and laid down next to her. "To be honest, I want to spend the day by myself. No offense Maka." I rolled over to look at Maka in the eyes. Maka looked a little hurt but she smiles. "Okay. But come back home around eight, promise?"

Maka tries to cover the hurt expression. I kiss her on the forehead and kissed her cheek. "I promise." I went to Maka's closet and started getting dress. I felt Maka's eyes glaring at me. I turn around to see make watching me. I let out a sigh and giggled. I continued and let Maka be a pervert. I wore something simple. Blue shirt, shorts, sneakers and a black jacket. I didn't care if my bangs were messy, because its Halloween.

I steal some money from Soul. Once I grabbed the door knob to leave, Blair grabs my shoulders. "Kanji-chaaan, why won't you play with me? You always waist your time with Maka and Soul doesn't play with me anymore." Blair purred in my ear. "I don't play with you because you're barely in the house." I look at Blair with no expression. She stands there, a little taken aback. "Well, I do work." She stuttered. "Mhmm. I'll be going." And with that final word, I left.

I walked around Death City, knowing every nook and cranny of the place. Familiar faces walk past, children's giggles are mesmerized, voices reheard. I remember walking past here, but why did they sound so familiar?

~Flash Back~

I was only five years old. I lived in an old house, sheltering myself from the humans. The windows were boarded, letting in such little light. So was the door. Being trapped with no one but myself to talk to, little food to eat, alone. Surrounded by an eternal abyss of darkness wasn't very pleasing.

I always felt as if something or someone was watching me. Hearing other voices in the dark was really frightening. Especially since you can't see. I couldn't take this anymore. I always thought that the world was nothing but darkness. But I needed to know, was it really just darkness? I hear other voices that sound...happy, something I never felt before. So there must have been a light somewhere.

I struggled to stand up, but I did it after a few failed attempts. I took my first step towards where the door was. I banged and banged on it. The more I banged, the more voices were drawn closer. I became afraid and backed away. "Who's there?" A man called out. I couldn't speak so I let out a frightened cry. "Back away! I'm gonna break the door down!" He yells.

I can't see anything. I back away until I her a wall. The door cracks, letting in light. I cover my eyes from the blinding sight. After a few hits, the door was broken. I huddled in a corner, hugging my knees, avoiding the bright light. I felt something pick me up. I began to cry in fear, not knowing what would happen to me. Was I suppose to be here? Are humans bad people? I have a sudden urge to hurt them, but I don't know how. "Don't worry. I'll take care of you." He comforts me by rubbing my back. I try to adjust my eyes to the light, and looked up at him. "You'll be fine. I won't let anything hurt you, I promise." then he gives me a flashing smile.

~End Of Flashback ~

A smile grows on my face while I walk around. I waved to a few people I remembered. Strange that they remembered me. But there was that one person I remembered so clearly. The man who helped me out of the dark room. He looks at me, and he smiles. "Kanji. I see that you came back." he let's out a chuckle. I walk up to him and shoved my hands in my pockets, avoiding eye contact. "Hey. Sorry for leaving you and mom. I couldn't stand being locked in one place for the rest of my life." I sighed. He touches my cheek.

"You've grown so much. Happy birthday." I blush a little and touched his hand. "You've gotten older yourself." I giggled. He chuckles again and invites me inside. "Where's mom?" I asked. "She's upstairs. Honey! We have a special guest!" he yells up the stairs. "I swear, Mike. If it's the Italian woman at the bar you met again." she yells back. I hold back a laughs while she comes down.

"Oh my goodness. Kanji!?" she squeals and hugs me. I hug back, even though I wasn't a fan of bear hugs. "Hey mom. You haven't changed." I smiled. She pulls back and pinches my cheeks. "You're so adorable!" I blush more and swatted her hands away. "Mom, stop." I rubbed my now pink cheeks. "So, how's school doing?" She sits next to me and dad. "Well, I'm now attending the DWMA."

"Really? Are you a Meister or weapon?" She asks. I lift up my hand. It begins to glow red and blue, forming a giant axe blade. They both gasp. "Oh wow. How many souls have you collected?" My dad asks. "About that, I only collected one." I looked away in embarrassment. "Have you found anyone?" My mother smirks and nudges my shoulder. I blush and looked up. "Maybe." I smiled at the thought of Maka. "Aw, she's thinking about him."

I remembered that my mother was really religious and against LGBT. I panicked a little. "So, um, how's life been doing for you two?" I stuttered. "Aw, no need to keep him a secret. Tell us about him!" My mother held my hand and smiled at me again. "Don't force her. If she doesn't want to tell, then she won't tell." My father crossed his legs. "Um. Mom. Dad. You know I'm a kishin, right?" My mother looked surprised but laughed. "You haven't lost your dark humor at all. If you were, I would've had the sign."

"Mom. Look into my eyes, you'll see I'm not joking." My mother squinted into my eyes, then lost all of her color. "I'm stable now. I don't kill humans anymore." I looked at the time. It was almost eight. "Oh crap! I gotta go! I'll visit some other time!" I panicked so much, I lost my common sense.

I jumped through the window. My parents watched as I jumped on top of one of the houses. "Kanji!! What are you-!??" My mother called out. I began sprinting over dozens of houses and building to get to Maka's house. I jump through the window and everything was black.

"Maka! Soul! Blair! Anyone!" I yelled out. I walked around the house. "M-maka...?" Tears dared to come out. The lights quickly turned on. I dropped to the floor covering my head. "Happy birthday!!" My symbols flew bright red. My teeth came sharp and my skin began to turn gray. "Kanji! Look up!" Maka says. I looked up and began hissing at everyone. The walls were decorated with black and white decorations. Halloween based. There was a giant cake shaped as Death City on the table, with my name in crimson red frosting.

I switched back to my normal form and smiles sheepishly. "H-Hey." I quickly wiped away the tears and smiled. Maka walks up to me, then hugs me. "Happy 16th birthday, Kanji." she whispers in my ear. I smile and kissed her. She returned the kiss and we began eating cake and such.

"This is the best birthday ever...."

In Love With A Criminal (Maka X Reader) (WARNING!!: YURI)Where stories live. Discover now