The Battle

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Where am I?....Is anyone there?...Why can't I move?...Who am I?..............What am I?

~Weeks Later~

Maka's POV:

"Mass murders again? Ugh, these damn kishins!" Soul growled. He grabbed the remote and turned off the TV. "Hey Maka, where's Kanji? Knowing her, she wouldn't be out this long." Soul put a hand on my shoulder and I jumped. "Oh! You said something?" I asked. "Kanji? Missing? Hello?" Soul said. "Oh yeah. I'm pretty sure Kanji's okay. She's smart." I smiled. But deep down, I knew something was wrong. The outburst she had. Then ran away, screaming? That's not like her. It was like something was trying to take control of her. "Even though, Kanji is weak. We both know that. Her soul isn't all that stable. She could end up getting herself killed." Soul shoved his hands in his pockets. "Besides, we could go investigate those mass murders. The news is talking about like nothing else matters." Soul said. "Well, I guess we should go." I sighed.

Soul and I patrolled Death City and stepped in massive blood puddles. "This way..." I whispered to myself. We followed the blood and it lead me to something that I thought I wouldn't ever see. Kanji, bathed in blood. Tearing through corpses like a child opening presents. Four souls levitate from the bodies and hovered in the air. A long, slick tongue wrapped around all four of them and swallowed them whole. "KANJI, STOP!!" I yelled.

Her head slowly turned, making a creaking sound in the process. I clenched onto Soul tightly and tears strolled out of my eyes. "Ooh! Another human soul, eh? You seem to be worth my time." Kanji growls. Her hand formed into a bloody axe blade and charged for me. I quickly dodged out of the way and let out a shaky sigh. "Okay, Twinkle Toes. Let's dance." Kanji charged for me again, swinging her blade relentlessly. "Why won't you just give up? Kanji is gonna and you have nothing to live for anyway!" Kanji snarled and swung again. I dodged and blocked but her words caught me off guard. I flew into a building and yelled in pain.

I rolled on the grounding, hitting my back against a wall. "Maka!" Soul turned into his human form and held me. "Yeah. I'm fine, I think." I said. I picked myself up and looked around for Kanji. Out of no where, Soul gets kicked in the stomach and he flew into a dumpster. "Eh. He was trash anyway." I heard Kanji's voice and a black mist formed a few feet away from me. It formed Kanji's body and she began walking closer.

"Its a real shame that a cute girl, such as yourself, would die so easily. But, I want to play with my food for a bit." Kanji balled up her fist and punched me dead in the stomach. I screamed in pain and coughed up blood. "Huh. You are pathetic. Believing that Kanji, quote on quote, 'loved' you is quiet amusing, don't you think? You lost your guard because of some words. Your partner is out cold because you got a little boo-boo. Ugh, you humans are so pathetic. Why would I expect anything different?" Kanji hissed.

"W-Where's Kanji!?" I chocked out. Hot tears streamed down my face once more. "Like I said. She's G-O-N-E. She's worthless anyway. Besides, even if you did kill me, you'd kill her, too." Kanji smirked. She twisted her fist, causing more pain for me. I held in my scream and groaned. "Now this is quite the predicament, eh? Kanji's gone, forever. You kill me, you kill her. But if you don't kill me, others will get killed. Now, which option?" Kanji's evil smirk grew into a wide smile. "I..."

"WHO SAID YOU HAD A CHOICE?" Kanji's hand formed into an axe blade once more and raised it. I screamed and Soul came out and kicked Kanji to the side. Kanji stayed on her feet and regained her balance. "Smart. Strike at my most vulnerable moment." Kanji snickered. "She didn't do anything, right?" Soul asked. "No. Scythe." I ordered. Soul nodded and turned into a scythe. I charged at her and she dodged swiftly. "Too slow." Kanji sighed.  "I'm not giving up, yet!" I yelled. I continued to swing but she was too fast.

"Why won't she stand still!? I just need to be able to get her to fall to find Kanji!" I thought. We heard a loud truck horn and that distracted Kanji. "What the-?" Kanji whispered. "Finally!" I said to myself. I swung and Kanji flew into a building. "Ugh. God damn it. Can't....feel my legs....." Kanji hissed. I left Soul on the ground and walked up to her. "What are you doing!?" Kanji growled. I put my hand on her chest and closed my eyes.

Once I opened them, I found myself in a field full of wheat and tall grass. "Huh. A field?" I whispered. I began to walk around. I took in the sight but I nearly slipped into a ditch. "Hello!? Is anyone there!?" I yelled into the ditch. "Someone....finally....came....." I small voice whispered. "Who's there!?" I yelled. ""

"Kanji! Its me, Maka!" I yelled. "I...don't....remember.....anyone...named......Maka.....?" Then Kanji became visible. She was standing in the middle of the ditch, wearing a white, flowing dress. But, she looked younger. Then I realized I looked younger as well. "Please...." Kanji's ankle and wrists were in shackles and she was blind folded with bloody cloths. I jumped into the ditch and landed gracefully on the gravel. I tried to walk over but I tripped over...a decaying corpse and skeletons. "Don't worry Kanji, I'll help you." I climbed over the carcasses and moved the bloody cloths off her face. Kanji slowly opened her eyes, showing how emotionless they used to be. "Maka....? You.....came?" Kanji's soft voice whispered. "Yes. Of course I did." I smiled. I looked at the shackles and saw they were buried in the ground. "You....have to....go on the......other" Kanji whispered. I felt my feet into the ground. "What?" I said. "Good....luck......Maka....."

I saw myself  in a dark room. An old wooden door was in front of me. I grabbed the knob, but it fell off and the door opened by itself. I walked through and saw Kanji again. She looked the same, it this time, her sanity was down to zero. She was chained to a chair and was twitching ever ten seconds.

"Who's there?! Go away! I don't want to be hurt again!" She yelled. Tears of blood ran down her cheeks while she looked around frantically for an exit. "Help! Please! Someone! Anyone! Please!" Kanji pleaded. I grabbed her shoulder. "Please! Help me! I don't want to be here anymore! Please!" She cried out. "Shh. Shh. I'm here." I whispered in her ear.

I untangled the chains and shackles. Kanji tries to stand but fails. I pick her up and went through the door again. I was in the ditch and Kanji was there. "Were going home." I said. I held the other Kanji's hand and woke up back into reality.

"Maka...thank you." The voice was familiar. I open my eyes to see a crying Kanji. I immediately hugged her and kissed her cheek. "Wanna get some ice cream tomorrow?" I asked. "Y-Yes. They won't come back, will they?" Kanji stuttered. "They won't. I promise."

"I love you, Maka."

"I love you, too."

In Love With A Criminal (Maka X Reader) (WARNING!!: YURI)Where stories live. Discover now