Drunk In Love

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"Maka, let's throw a party!" I said while rolling on the couch." Maka walks in the room, holding plates of sandwiches. "Why?" She asked while sitting one on the table for me. "I just wanna put sand down Kids pants again." I giggled. She frowns and puts a hand on her hips. "No, Kanji. I don't want to have to vacuum the carpet again." I frowns as well and rub my flat stomach. "Oh fine. But still, let's have a little reunion, pleeeeeease?" I begged. "Normally, your anti-social with them, but I guess I could call them."


Hours Later

"Maka-chaaaaaaaaaan~" I stumble over to her and sit on her lap, twirling one of her pigtails. "Hey Kanji." She giggles. I start to kiss her neck, unexpectedly biting her neck. "Oooh, Kanji's making a move!" Soul smiled. I slowly lift up a bottle of rum and start pouring some down her throat. She coughs and pushes it away. "C'mon, baaabyyyy~ let's just have some fuuun." I cooed in her ear. I grab her wrist and giggle. Rum rushes down my throat while I make Maka grab my breast.

"CHUG, CHUG, CHUG, CHUG!!!" Her friends chanted. I continued until the bottle was full of air. "Wooooo!!" Black Star laughed. I start pulling my shirt over my head and swinging it around and around. "YOU SWING ME RIGHT ROUND, BABY, RIGHT ROUND!!!" I laughed and fell back, having my legs completely open in front of Maka. A drunk Kid walks over to me and drags me away. "Im...going to..*hic* get my payback...you.." he slurred. I laughed as he dragged me to the other sofa.

I hug him and grab that lucious butt of his. "Your butt is sooooo coooool." I giggled. "Liz! Patty!" The girls walk over, holding bottles as well. "What?" Patty giggled. "Guns go...boom..." they nod and turn into pistols in his hands. I stroke Liz's barrel. "Ooooh, shiny..." I giggled. He points them at me, his smile being asymmetrical. "Give me...your money, biiiiiiitch..!!" Maka comes over and drags me away. "Gidde up, cowboy! Let's shoot starts into hell!" I laughed.

"You. Are. Going. To. Bed." I laugh and throw up on the stairs. "Look, the stairs look pretty nos!" I giggled and vomited again. "So....pretty...." then my vision went completely black.

The Next Day-

I woke up in my bed, my head pounding like a baby with a drum. My breathe smelled like a pirates toothpaste, rum. I look at my dresser to see two white pills and a cup of water.

"Why are you so nice to me, Maka?"

C'mon people, it was bound to happen sooner or later! Give me more suggestions and what not. Also, I made a new cover for the story! So tell me if I should leave it the way it is, or change it. It's 2016, so it would make sense, right? But anywho, keep the requests coming!


In Love With A Criminal (Maka X Reader) (WARNING!!: YURI)Where stories live. Discover now