Trust and Guilt

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Once I came home, Maka looked highly upset. "What's wrong, Maka?" I asked. "Where were you?!" She said. I raise my hands up in defense. "H-Hey! I was only outside for a few hours." I said. "Who leaves the house at three in the morning?!" She must've thought I was seeing someone else. "Maka, I'm not ch-cheating on you or anything!" She angrily walks up to me. "Prove it." I sighed and shoved my hands in my jacket pockets. "I felt guilty for spazzing out on my mother like that, so I went to apologize. Me and her and having a Mother-Daughter day next Saturday."

I felt highly uncomfortable about Maka being so close with her anger like this. "Why can't you look at me?" She says. "'re too close..." I said. She gets closer and smells me. "WHY DO YOU SMELL LIKE MONALISSA PERFUME? YOU NEVER WHERE PERFUME! YOU WERE AT ANOTHER GIRLS HOUSE, WEREN'T YOU?" I groan out of annoyance. "Yeah, I was. My mom's house." I walk past her and go to my room. Am I untrustworthy now? I kick of the sneaks and allow myself to be molested by the air conditioner.

Soul comes in my room and sits next to me. "I heard the fight you two had earlier, everything's okay?" He asked. "Yeah, but somehow, I became untrustworthy. I just wanted to get there before my folks went to Church, that's all." I sigh and drop myself into the fluffy matress. "Huh, women like Maka are really over protective over their partner. You should kinda take it as a compliment to your relationship." He smiles, showing his shark like teeth. I look at them for a minute and look back up at him. "Question, have you ever had braces?"

"How did this get from 'relationship issues' to 'braces?" Soul laughed. I laughed along, realizing how sudden it was. "But yeah, if it gets to a point where I have to strip down or her writing her name on my vag, that's where I'm drawing the line, no pun intended."

"Trust me, with Maka, it just might get that far."

I feel my phone vibrating in my pocket, letting out a Set It Off ringtone. I check it and it was my mother. I cover my hand over my mouth to make it sound like I was speaking through a walkie talkie. "Kanji Osaka, speaking, over. Chhhh!" Soul held in a laugh. "Kanji, enough with the games. I was wondering if you'd like to come to Church with me and your father!" My mother said happily. "We could pray together and listen to the Bible Studies like we used to when you were a child!" Oh boy. "Mother, that's sounds nice and all but, I...I have to...umm.." I couldn't think of an excuse, so I had to give in. "Alright, I'll be on my way in a few minutes." I sighed.

In Love With A Criminal (Maka X Reader) (WARNING!!: YURI)Where stories live. Discover now