Knight In Black Armor (Part Two)

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"Wow, you're big." Soul says. "Am I a big stick? Am I a tree!? A kishin tree!? Oh my death, I'm a tree! What kind of tree am I!? Apple tree? Banana tree!? Death tree!?" I laughed. "Be serious, Kanji." Maka informed. "Gah, fine." I said and switched forms. "So, this kishin is in a church?" I asked, putting my hands behind my head. "No. Just preparing in case a kishin jumps out at us." Maka said sternly. "Okay, sugar tits. Lead the way." I giggled. "No time for flirting!" Maka frowned. "You like it though."

All three of us wandered around Death City some more. Maka got into a fighting stance once we we're near an abandoned house. "No one's taking pictures, Maka." I said. "I sense a kishins soul." Maka whispered, looking around carefully. I heard a growl and loud thud nearby. The side of my arm quickly turned into an axe's blade. Something in the darkness jumped out at Maka.
I pushed her out the way so she wouldn't get hurt.
"" the kishin growled.
"I'm not gonna let you hurt her."
"Need...power...need...souls..." the kishin shrieked and began to swing its claws at me. I dodge and attack the kishin a couple of times. After a few minutes of fighting, the kishin manages to hit me and I fly into a building. In a couple of seconds, I saw the kishin walking up to an unconscious Maka.

"" Before the kishin could strike her, I flew to the kishin and kicked it to the side. My eyes flew red and my aura was black as night. The kishin gets up and races towards me. It swing and a loud clang echo's through the city, for his blades hit my blade. The kishin continued swinging and I kept blocking until the kishin grew tired. It falls on the ground, panting out of exhaustion. I walk up to the kishin, ready to kill it. "Why?...Why...kill....fellow..............kishin.....over...girl.....?" The kishin asks. I quickly slice the kishin open and the soul is hovering in the air.

"Because I love her..."

In Love With A Criminal (Maka X Reader) (WARNING!!: YURI)Where stories live. Discover now