Nightmare Or Madness?

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(Your POV~)

(Your dream...~)

I was laying in a cold, dark room. I woke up and looked around. I couldn't see anything. I stood up and tried to find away out. I took a few steps and was pulled back. "What the...?" I questioned. I heard rattles behind me and felt braces on my wrists, neck and ankles. I was chained. I heard footsteps coming near me. "W-Who's there?!" I managed to yell. The footsteps where louder and louder. I felt as if I was being pulled up. "My, my, my. Quite an interesting puppet." A loud, deep voice exclaimed. "N-no! I'm no one's puppet!" I yelled. I kicked frantically, trying to get the chains off. They only got tighter. I screamed in pain, I felt as if they were shattering my ankles.

"Useless, just useless. No wonder no one will ever love you. You worthless, unwanted kishin. You only bring fear and sorrow to those who don't deserve it." I heard another voice say. I looked around and saw the girl who tried to kill me. "I...I.....don't mean to." I said, almost on the brink of tears. "Sure you don't. You're a kishin, that's all kishins do. Kill and eat innocent souls. No one needs you. I hope death will come at you. All you are is a death target. You die, everyone's happy." She said.

I just hanged there. I felt a knot in my throat. It got tighter and tighter every second. I couldn't breathe. I felt my lungs burning for oxygen.

I woke up instantly. "AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!" I screamed. I fell off the couch and everyone came into the living room. "What the hell is going on!?" the albino boy said. I looked around at everyone and sighed in relief. "Just...a bad dream....that's all...." I said. I laid back on the couch. The albino boy looked over me. "That's so not cool, man." he muttered. "Shut up, Captain Crunch." I muttered back. "What did you say?!" he yelled. I managed to crack a smirk and giggle. "Nothing." Everyone went back to their room. It's embarrassing to say this, but I was too afraid to go back to sleep. I tried counting souls, but it didn't work. I tried to drink warm milk, but I'm lactose intolerant. I went to the girls room. I was bored so I decided to watch her sleep.

I saw her sleeping next to a book. I got a bit curious so I took the book. Then I realized, I can't read. I skimmed the book for some pictures, but couldn't find any. I groaned in annoyance. I put the book back but ended up waking her up.

(Maka's POV ~)

I heard some movement in my room and woke up. I saw the kishin girl in my room and jolted up. I saw her for freeze and fear. I felt bad and sighed. "What do you need?" I asked. "I can't s-sleep." she said. She stared at the book. "Here, read it." I said, passing her the book. "I can't read." she mumbled, embarrassed. "Fine, I'll read it to you." I said. She sat on the floor, hugging her knees. I began to read. She started to fall asleep. "The two warriors was on the-" I said. I was cut off by here small snores. I smiled and let her sleep. I went to sleep as well.

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