Take Me To Church

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I was dressed in a white short dress with black tights and black flats. I carried a small purse and but on makeup to cover the symbols. I head out the door, until Maka stops me. "Where are you going?" She asked. This time, it wasn't even suspicious. More like confused as hell. "My mom wants me to go to church with her. See ya around twelve." I left and jumped from building to building to the church.

We walked in and  an organ began to play. I sit in between my mother and father, feeling highly uncomfortable about the amount of people. "Kanji, you look beautiful as always." My mother smiled. I return the expression and face the pastor stood in front. "Good morning everyone, roday, we shall speak of the-" I accidentally let out a loud burp. "I'm a girl, I swear."

The pastor clears his throat and begins with the lectures. I was playing video games on my phone to help the time pass by. My mother slaps my hand and glares. "Not in the house of God, Kanji."

"But if this is the house of God, why are we in it? Wouldn't that be, you know, trespassing God's home? Like, he could show up at any second and send us all down to hell for sitting in his 'holy chairs'!" I noticed I said it a bit TOO loud, and all attention was on me. "Kanji, please stop this behavior." My mother sighed. "What? Can I person ask a question?" My father nods in agreement. "She is right, Coral. I remember when you would CONSTANTLY ask questions-"

My face felt so weird with the makeup on. I took out a wipe and wiped it away. But then I rembered, they'd try to perform an exorcism if they see the symbols. I spoke too soon. "She's been possessed by the Devil! Bring her up here!" People began to drag me to the front of the Church. "Let me go! I will bite your face off!" But they didn't listen. The pastor starts spraying my down with come kind of water. Salt water. It got into my eyes and I let out a cry of pain.

"YOU ASS, YOU GOT THAT CRAP IN MY FUCKING EYE! I WILL TAKE THAT GOD DAMN BOTTLE AND SHOVE IT UP YOUR AS SO FAR, YOU'LL NEED THE DEVIL TO RIP IT OUT OF YOUR MOTHER FUCKING COLLIN!" I yelled. He continues to spray with the water.  Out of anger, my fist turns into an axes blade and I bring up to his neck.  "One more spray, and I WILL DRAG YOUR ASS IN HELL MYSELF." He freezes and backs away. My hand returns to its original form. "Thank you. Now, just to let you know, I am a kishin. You can't perform am exorcism on one since the kishin is a whole. I would really like it if you bring me a towel to wipe off this water. It's very rude to spray someone down because they are different."

I instantly noticed all attentions was on me, again. I look back at the people. "Problem?" I said out loud. They sated silent and looked away. I whip a bang from in front of my face and take the towel the pastor handed to me. "Thank you." I wipe off my face and went back to my spot on the crowd. My mother kept her head low. "Sorry, mom. A woman has to speak for her rights." The pastor decided to skip the lecture and move onto the praying.

Everyone had their heads low. I watched as everyone did a four hour prayer. "Amen." Everyone said in unison. Everyone stood up and began to to exit. "Hey, what happened to the salt crackers?" I asked my mother. "I dont know, we must leave." I leave the church with them and started to feel bad about my actions. "Mom, sorry about the situation at the church, I just get provoked easily." I said, scratching the back of my head. She sighs and hugs me. "It's alright, but I'm looking forward to Saturday." She pulls back and smiled.

"Welp, I'm off! Bye!"I began to jump from building to building, back where I belong, back in baby's arms.

In Love With A Criminal (Maka X Reader) (WARNING!!: YURI)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora