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School crept up on our asses to fast. I decided, hey, why not go back to the academy? So I did. I wore a red jacket, black turtle neck and blue skinny jeans with those black knee-high converses. I grab my bag and throw it over my shoulder. "Maka! Soul! Get up." Huh, no response. Looks like I'll have to use bait. "Seems like I'll have to throw away all the pancakes!" I noticed that their shoes weren't at the door. I look at the clock above me. 9:15. Well shit. Boy, was I late. I sigh and dash out the door. I leap over building and found the strange looking academy.

I take a big, long jump, and gracefully land on its yellow, smooth surface. I push my way through the halls just to make it to Steins class. "I'M BACK, BITCHEEEEEEEEZ." I yelled as I walked next to Maka. "Hey, M.K." I giggled. She looked surprised for a minute, then smiled. "I didn't think that you would come back." I shrug as I sit next to her. "I want to spend as much time as I can with my Maka." I said sheepishly. "Aw, you're so sweet." She playfully punches my shoulder and I wrap an arm around her lovingly.

Then, my favorite teacher, Stein of coarse, rolls in the room backwards and crashes onto the floor. "Man, I never seem to get that right." He muttered to himself. "Try doing a back flip and hitting the breaks when you get near the steps!" I shouted to him. The class glares at me with evil, WTF looks. "Dont encourage him!" They shout at me. I laugh nervously and scratch the back of my head. "What? Why can't I help out a teacher?" I nervously giggled. Stein looks at my and smirks. "I've noticed that you don't have a Meister yet, Kanji." I cross my arms and look away. "I don't need someone controlling me during battle."

Stein begins to lecture me on why I would need one, but I ignored most of it. "If I have kids, I would tell them that word to word just to put them to sleep." I said to myself. Some of class start giggling, but Stein ignores and continues with his dissecting stuff. A wave of sleep crashes into me quickly. I try to keep myself awake, but I fail utterly. I rest my head on Maka's shoulder and yawn. "Maka, one day, I'm gonna show you, the world." She giggles and my head falls in her lap. Her things were so warm and soft, I didn't want to move. Then, I fell asleep instantly.

{Beggining of the Dream}

It was a sunny day. Wind was blowing through the tall stalks of wheat and grass. I watched the sun set slowly as strong hands grabbed me. "Bed time, Kanji." It didn't sound like my non-biological father. I look to see a tall man with shoulder length, pitch black hair and kishin symbols running up his neck, like mine. His eyes were the color of pools of crimson, like mine. I laugh as I suckle on one of his knuckles."Haha, Merida, I think Kanji is hungry." A silver haired woman with caramel skin comes out with a bright smile. Her eyes were a creamy shade of purple and she wrapped her arms around him.

In Love With A Criminal (Maka X Reader) (WARNING!!: YURI)Where stories live. Discover now