Is This....The Truth?

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After winter break, we went back to the academy. Maka was much more determined for the last six months but me and Soul stayed the same. Lazy as fuck. Maka complains but I know she thinks it's cute. She blushes every time. And- wait. Sorry, I get side tracked easily. Heh. (^ ~ ^)|||

But any who, us three were climbing up the steps. Maka was in the lead, Soul was dragging himself and I already dead after fourteen stairs. "Kanji, get off your ass and let's go!" Maka whined, dragging me up the stairs. "I can't...too tired....too lazy." I mumbled. "Fine. I'll carry you." Maka picked me up and took me the rest of the way.

"You idiot. Killing your own kind? Just down to the core stupid."

"What? You wanted me to come to this school! How could I decline when you begged me?" I said. "I didn't say anything." Maka said with a confused look. "Oh. Sorry, I guess I'm just hearing stuff again. You can put me down now." I felt a little bad about that outburst and stood on my own two feet. "Ready to learn?" Maka said in a teasing manner.

"And you trust a Meister? How much dumber can you get?"

"Shut up, you ass hat!" I growled. "Calm down! Are you sure you're okay?" Soul said. I felt myself being drowned into a abyss. I saw nothing but the kishin symbols surround me. I couldn't move. My eyes could but my body wouldn't cooperate. I felt a hand touch shoulder. I did a spin kick out of no where and noticed Soul being crashed in the building.

"Soul! I'm sorry!" I said. I began to run over to him, but my body slowed down, like gravity was increasing on my muscles. I watched as Maka ran over as well. Something about this situation....seems humerus. Watching Soul laying there helplessly is so hilarious. I feel a giggle escape my lips. "What's so funny?" Soul said weakly. "You. Just laying there, weak to the bone. You really are pathetic, aren't you? What a shame. So determined to become a death scythe. What you should be worrying about is how to protect Maka when she's so close to death?"

I can't believe I said that. Maka and Soul looks in shock as my expression changes from evil to innocent. "I-I'll get Stein." I quickly ran off into the building, searching for the mad doctor.

"But here's the real question. You're a kishin. Kishins kill for human souls to gain power. You've been alone your whole life. Ever since your mother abandoned you. Meister and weapon partners killed the last piece of family you ever had. Do you really think that 'Maka' loves you? I mean, look at yourself! You're a murderer and that's all you'll ever be. Is she really in love with you? Or is she there for you out of pity?"

In Love With A Criminal (Maka X Reader) (WARNING!!: YURI)Where stories live. Discover now