Netflix On An Airplane

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You were on a plane on your way to London. You've never been out of the country and you decided to go on a fun trip. You love traveling the states but now you wanna get out there more.
You sit down by the window and look outside. In the town you live in it was bright and sunny. The sun was slowly going down.
You had on your favorite Victoria Secret Sweats and a light hoodie.
You put your bag down and waited for everyone to board the plane.
You watch someone sit next to you.
He looked tired and he shoved his bag under a seat.
You smile once you see who it is. Robbie Kay.
Your eyes got wide.
You take a deep breath and look down.
"I know you know who I am.. I saw it on your face." He said chuckling.
"Oh."you blush. "Sorry.."

You were in the air now on your way to England. You listened to music for a while then you put it away. Robbie was watching Netflix. He paused it.
"What brings you to London?"
He asked.
You sit up straight.  "Just a fun trip."
"That's it?"
You nod.
"Cool. Hope you enjoy the rain."
He laughs a little.
"Oh yeah I'm actually excited about that!" You giggle. "What are you watching?"
"Doctor Who. Have you seen it?" 
He asked.
You nod. "Kinda I've seen a few episodes."
"Watch with me? It's a long trip this will help pass the time."
You smiled and nod and you both watch till you fall asleep leaning on each other.

Sorry guys I love imagines on the plane! Haha <3 thanks for all the support! Love you guys!

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