Chapter 10

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Do you know what makes life so interesting when we do or meet someone new? It's the excitement, the adventure, the mystery of knowing you have something to look toward. The journey. At first, theirs flaws or their habits tend not to piss you off because you're still trying to figure them out. You're determined to work on them. To fix them. And that's what we fail on. We can't fix or change anyone. They do it themselves through time. Once rough times come and obstacles get in the way, we get scared, we give up. The bond that was once there isn't there anymore. There's no more us but who. We find it so easy to blame but we can't take the blame ourselves.

Our generation ruined our capability to "treasure" something so important as love. We easily replace someone so.. where was the love? Everything we learned and received about love was a lie, different descriptions of love. Different mind sets. Different opinions. It was obsolete. Our generation doesn't want love, we want the lie we were told love looks like. We go for what's easy, we take the easy route, not for what's really worth us.

Secretly we all long for that someone who gets us eager. The one who has us checking our phones randomly hoping there's a message. We all want that person who makes them self hard to leave. The only person that's in our three am thoughts, the one who we see as our Prince Charming.

Were just too scared to admit that we don't know exactly how to get "there", to happily ever after. The dreams we once dreamed about in our younger years. You take one step forward, you also take three steps back, which makes getting "there" so hard. People often think that your soul mate is the one, your other half, your perfect fit. But a true soul mate is the person that shows you the ropes of life, the person who shows you everything that's holding you back. A true soul mate is the only person that breaks down the walls that you once build up and awakens you.

"Are you alright there? You've been staring out the window for an hour now?" Caleb asked, with a slight chuckle. Snapping out of thoughts, I removed my apron and hung it in the supply room.

"yeah, I was just night?....dreaming?"

Caleb nodded his head as he ruffled his hair and slipped on his jacket. It was pouring out, the windows began to fog up from the 42 degree temperature and I was soon regretting not bringing a sweatshirt. The room no longer smelled like coffee beans and vanilla frosting, but burnt fire wood. Checking everything was ready for the next day, I clocked out of work.

White bright lights caught my eye and I knew Harry had arrived. Both Caleb and I walked out the cafe and he locked up the place. "Who's that?" He whispered, looking over at the car with a despised look. Rolling my eyes, I gave him a quick hug and said I'd explain tomorrow.

Walking the opposite direction I watched him get into his vehicle before driving off. Most would think I was insane for standing in the rain with no jacket. My hair was getting drenched but I honestly didn't care, I loved the rain. I slipped into the white Porsche and buckled on the seat belt. "Hello," he rasped, looking straight ahead.

A.sshole. First he doesn't open the door for me like a proper gentlemen and second he ignores eye contact. "I can easily get out of your car right now," I mentioned.

A groan escaped his lips as he flickered his eyes over at me. "Sorry, had a rough night." Chewing on my lip I looked away and nodded my head at him. "Whatever," I simply said.

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