Chapter 22

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I've learned five things since the incident. One; I can't depend on anyone, not even my family. Two; people who promised to stick by your side will leave when push comes to shove. Three; when you get older, people are going to want to leave, let them, who wants someone in their life who doesn't want you. Four; parents break you, they break relationships, it's all part of life and life does not stop for anything or anyone. Five; someone else's ending is not your fault.


Harry drove us to this fancy restaurant with tables set up outside. "Name?"

"Mr. Harry Styles."

"Ah Mr. Styles, it's a pleasure. This way please." A waitress directed us through the corridors to the outside and seated us at a table. Menus were placed in front of us as Harry ordered two glasses of champagne to start the night.

Harry had decided to take a seat beside me. "Thank you.. for this night." Harry sent me a slight smile as he fiddled with his napkin. "Are you alright?" I asked. I placed a hand on his cheek as I held his face in my hand. he leaned against my palm and sighed. "I'm fine."

Combing my hand through his hair, I tugged on the lose curls, massaging his scalp in the process. "Your tensed." a chuckle left his lips as he grabbed my hand and pressed a kiss to the underside of my wrist.

"your drinks."

"Thank you," we both said.

immediately, Harry brought the drink to his lips. "She's here."

A woman with blonde hair and brown streaks made her way to our table. Both Harry and I stood up from our seats and I watched Harry embrace her in a hug and kiss. I felt jealously run through my veins as I watched them. "It's nice to see you again," she whispered.

She diverted her attention towards me, "oh hello!!" Her cherry voice exclaimed as she released herself from Harry and shook my hand. "Hello," I greeted her.

"I'm Gemma."


"Great to meet you Alice."

We both looked over to Harry with questionable looks as to who we were to him.

"Gemma this is Alice, my-" there was a short pause.

"my girlfriend. Alice this is Gemma, my sister."

my heart raced a hundred beats and I felt the heat rush to my cheeks. Harry came to my side and interlocked our hands. "Let's order dinner."

I was quite confused for a list of reasons. One; why did he introduce me as his girlfriend. Two; why was I now introduced to his sister? Three; he had a sister?

once we finished dinner and were satisfied with our meals, we went to conversation and all the details were unraveled.

" mom wanted me to ask you to attend her wedding." Gemma said.

Harry scoffed as he ordered another drink. " mom wants to contact me now?" The look on Gemma's face told me that this was a personal conversation. she shook her head in disapproval and sighed in frustration. "Mom wants to make things right for all of us, Harold."

"For all of us!? Or for herself!?" Harry growled. His tone frightened both Gemma and I, "Harry she made a mistake can't you forgive her." Gemma whispered. We were catching everyone's attention, "bullshit, she wants to clear her guilty conscious and has you at her feet to clean up the mess she made and you're stupid enough to do it for her!" Harry slammed his fist on the table.

"Dinner is over, tell Anne I said hello and goodbye." he grasped my hand and dragged me out the restaurant. his grip tightening harder every minute making my hand go numb.

• • •

I was dropped off back to my complex. "I'll call you." No eye contact. Nothing. Pecking his cheek, I stepped out his car and made my way inside. he was going to get drunk, I know that. I begged to go with him but he only said, "I am not dragging you into danger."

later that night I got a call. It was three in the morning and Harry was asking me to pick him up and take him home. "Where are you?"

"Downtown at the Irish pub."

So I took a cab. There he was. Sitting by the stop sign with glass scattered at his feet. "Dammit Harry." I ran to his side and held him by his torso and lifted him off the ground. He reeked of liquor and cigarettes. "I'm sorry," he cried.

I took his keys and helped him to the car. driving back to his place he sniffed and cursed about his mom. once we settled inside he ripped off his clothes and settled with just his boxers. He took a bottle of vodka with him upstairs and sat me with him at the center of his bed. " do you want to tell me what's wrong? What's going through your head?"

He took a swig of the alcohol and rubbed off his tears. " Gemma, she uh she belongs to my mother. After the um incident, my parents divorced.... dad took custody of me and Anne, she took custody of Gemma and my-"

A wept cry escaped his lips as he took another swig of vodka. "My brother- Edward. Edward and I fought one day, probably over something stupid, I punched him, knocked him into the island and he went into a coma. 336 hours at the hospital watching his body slowly weaken was hell. after two weeks the doctor decided to cut it off, his funeral was a day after our birthday. mom shunned me, decided to ask for divorce and toss me to my dad. Gemma decided to go with mum, I was ten. Alice, no ten year old should live the life I lived. Now. fifteen years later they decide to contact me and clear up their guilty conscious. Seeing her face just brings bad memories."

I took away the bottle and embraced him. Our legs entwined as he cried on my breasts, his fingernails digging into my back as he cursed profanities. " I needed you there because you're the only person I can fall back on." I wiped the tears off, pressing my head on his.

"I'm here. I'll always be here. I won't leave, I promise. I'm the gum at the bottom of your shoe."

A chuckle escaped his lips, "I hate gum."

"I guess you'll just have to learn to love it then."

Heyo! It's been awhile since an update but here it is :) I know this is a v short update but pls enjoy. Can we aim for thirty votes? 💗

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