going to go pick up baby

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Romeo POV
So it is in the morning and I am going to go pick up Alena I am in the hospital. I get out of my bed and go take a 30 minute shower and stepped out of the shower and rap the towel around my waste. I put on so Cologne on and put on my Jordan jump suit on. I put on my Jordan's 11's and went to the living room and got my keys off of the key holder I grab the BMW keys because today I felt like being in the BMW I walk I out the door. I went to my BMW so I am headed to the Hospital.

Alena POV
So you already know I am getting released from the hospital today I can't wait until I get out of this hospital. But the problem is I don't know who is going to pick me up. I mean in a way I want Romeo but I don't know if he wants to pick me up scene I got mad at him but I mean he came and checked up on me. So right now I am getting ready for who ever comes To pick me up. When I look back I saw Romeo and he was in his Jordan he was all Jordan. I was like man the things I could do to him right now.

Ashley POV
So my hubby birthday is coming up. I am going to plan a birthday party for him but he doesn't know about it. So I am at the house while hubby at work so I am texting everybody that I know will come. So I text Trina.
Text conversation
Me: hey sista. How are you doing?
Trina: hey sista. I am good. what about you?
Me: that is good to hear. I am doing good. I was texting you because I am throwing your brother in law a birthday party but he can't know about it.
Trina: hell yea I will be there. I know that it is going to be lit.
Me: Hell yea it is going to be lit.
Trina: alright.
Me: yea
End of text conversation

Andre POV
I am chilling with my home boy Red we playing NBA 2k 2015. Red thinks he can beat my ass in NBA 2k 2015. And Trina comes to me telling me that Ashley is going to have a birthday party for my brother in law. I was like ahhhhh shit we going. So red you ready for that ass whooping in this NBA 2k 2015 and he say man your ass going to get your ass whooping

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