the night with my baby boy

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Ashley pov
Me and Jay is at home with are son. He is handsome. I was about to say that "he is cute." but my hubby looked at me and said " dont you dare say it." So I said "He looks so handsome." he just looked at me. Then Jeremiah started crying so I looked in his diaper. There was nothing there I was like well maybe he is hungry so I pulled out my breast so I can breast feed him.

Jay pov
Me and wifey sitting at home with are son. We was talking and Jeremiah was sitting in Ashley lap Then 15minutes later that is when Jeremiah started crying So Ashley check to see if he had a wet diaper but there was nothing there so then she said "he is hungry!" I said " Oh." then she pulled out her breast and he just started sucking I was just like man he taking over but hey you can't be mad. Not at your son anyways. I said " damn baby he looks like he is enjoying his food. I want some food too."

Trina pov
What it do it is your girl Trina I am at home with Andre crazy ass. He had his home boys over but i guess he told them to leave or something because I went to the bedroom and when I came out of the bedroom that is when I didn't see them I was like " where did they go?" Andre said " oh they left I just want to spend quality time with you bae." as soon as he said that I started smiling from ear to ear. It was like you couldn't tell me nothing. Andre came closer to me and hugged me and started kissing me I was like "um bae what are you doing ?" He said " bae I am showing you that you deserve to be loved look I know all of them dudes did you wrong in the past especially Anthony.

Andre pov
So I was hanging with my home boys and Trina walked through the door. She said her heys to everybody especially red I was surprise that she didn't go off on him. But she went to the bedroom and when she came out of the bedroom she saw that the homies was gone. She looked at me and was like "where is your home boys at?" I said " bae they left I want to have time with you not them YeA they my homies but you are my girl and I want to spend this night with you. I know that them dudes you was with in the past treated you wrong and I am not trying to be that nigga that well treat you like they did. You should be loved not treated wrong but i be thinking it is funny how your ex's be wanting you back after the fact that they see you happy.

Keyshia pov
When the Sun comes up. I am going to go over Ashley and Jay house. If you think that they have a good relationship then you thought wrong. Because from what I heared is that while Ashley was pregnant he was cheating on her with some girl. When I found that out I was going to tell Ashley But didn't know how to tell her. It is crazy how he be having sex with the girl and then come back to Ashley and be kissing all up in her face.

Unknown female pov
Lol I think that it is funny that Keyshia thinks that me and Jay would have sex. I mean dont get me wrong Jay is fine and all but that is Ashley's man. Then on top of that they are having a baby and getting married. Like bitch come on i am not you the female that sleep with everybody man or what not. Then she is always in other peoples bussiness.

Trina pov
So Keyshia be telling people that Jay been cheating on Ashley. I was like " bitch you are lying. He would never cheat on Ashley you just want them to break up." Andre said " bae what are you talking about?" I said " man Keyshia at it again telling people that Jay was cheating on Ashley with some girl. Andre got all mad and shit talking about "come on we are going over to Ashley house now!!!!"

Few min. Later

Andre pov
Man I am fucking mad right now. Jay was over there cheating on my sister in law. With some girl man that is so fucked up how you going to be in a good relationship when you was over there cheating on Ashley while she was being faithful to him. He want to sit there and be unfaithful to her.

Jay pov
Man word around town is that When my women was pregnant I was messing with some girl. Yes when she was pregnant this girl tryed her best to get at me But I turned her down. I mean when I told her that I was getting married and about to have a baby she backed off. I was like they need more women like her in the world. She told me her name is Jaz.

August pov
Keyshia is at it again. Damn when would she understand Ashley don't want her ass. Keyshia really that Ashley is going to be with her was after everybody knows that she is a hoe. Man who want a hoe as a girlfriend yes I know that my sister is bisexual but Damn she dont want her ass. But anyways I am at home with Cali my other brother child. She is so pretty and bad at the same time. That girl is going to be the death of me. Then Ashley got pregnant and she had a son that boy is going to have everything he wants and he going to be a mommy boy too. So I am in my room and Cali came in my room with her teddie bear that she loves to hold on to. She got in my bed and looked at me and just laugh.

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