the night with Trina and August

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Trina POV

I am back yall but anyways. I had got a phone call from August as yall know Ashley play brother. but anyways.

                                                                Phone Conversation

August: hey Trina. in my NOLA accent

Trina: hey August what's up? have you talked to your sister Ashley?

August : Yes I have talked to her. but she didn't sound like herself.

Trina : I think she is sick but I am going over there today.

August: Oh ok that is fine because I will go check on her and my nephew.

Trina : Oh ok that is what's up will I guess I will see you there then.

                                                          end of phone conversation

so I am on my way to Ashley and jays house. I am riding over there and Andre called me talking about him and Red needs the car I was like dude go get on the bus yall aint going nowhere but to the damn club. he said  " man I aint about to take the damn bus to no damn club." I told him " that I am going to Ashley and jays house." he said " oh will never mind because I am not about to have no problems with Red and Jay."

Ashley POV

hey yall it is your girl Ashley I am back in this thang in my H-town/NOLA accent I am with my handsome son Jeremiah. he is so handsome. I been sick for a few days so my brother said that he will come over today   so I was happy and my hubby is at work. So I am at home with our son.  so I am watching a movie and all of sudden the door bell ring. I went to  the door to see who it was and it was August and Trina at the door so I open the door. they said hey and Jeremiah got happy and everything I was like awww my baby happy baby boy and then they asked "where is Jay at?" I said " now you know he is at work." they both said" oh  how have you been?"  them " I am good just had a cold." August had went straight to the kitchen and made me some soup ten came back to the living room I looked at August and was like "brother you didn't have to do that."  he said " yes I did sister and you know that I am that type of brother that takes care of his family." I said" yes I know brother and I love you." August had a big smile on his face.

Trina pov

Once I got to Ashley and Jay house I seen August pull up and I was like damn why he got to be so fine. So I had got out of the car and went to the door and then here comes August with his fine ass and he was all up on me  was like damn then that is when Ashley open the door. I looked at my handsome    nephew once he saw both of us he got happy and he is a month now so I picked him up to hold him and August just had to come over to where I was at after e did his brotherly duties and then Ashley asked" where is Andre?"  I said " girl you know somewhere at  a club with Red." Ashley said" oh yea I don't even know why  asked." then Trina was like "oh yea I came over to tell you guess who I see all booed up?" Ashley and August said "who?" I said "damn August you want to know?" he gave me that look like if you don't say who it is. Then I was like ok I will tell you it is keyshia . they both looked at me and said with who because she haven't been to Antonio house and Trina said it didn't look like him.

August pov

I got out of my car and met Trina at the door and a few mins  later Ashley opens the door and I saw my nephew. I am very happy that I am a uncle. So I looked at my sister and she said she is feeling better then yesterday so I went to the kitchen  and fix my sister some soup that my made for me when I sick. "She was brother what are you doing?" I said " I am making you some soup I can not have you sick.  then in like 30 mins later he came back with a bowl of soul while Trina is holding Jeremiah then after he gave me the soup he made for me then went to Trina and Jeremiah it made me so happy then Ashley  asked Trina "where is Andre? "and Trina said "know you know that he is with Red at a club somewhere."  I was like "SMH they both looked at me and was like what " they both said "why you shaking your head?" I told them both "if I had a girlfriend I would not be a no club right now." Trina started looking at me like ugh why you say that ."

Juliet pov

hey yall it is yall girl Juliet  back at it again. So I was like I haven't heard from Ashley in a while. I told her that me and Alena going to stop by and she said "ok yall can come over now because I miss yall" So I hop in my ride and I called Alena that Ashley said "that she is she" said "alright I will meet you over there because I am about 20 mins away." " where was you coming from." "I was with Jet and the fellas."  I was like "oh how Is you and Romeo?" she said "oh we are great." I said " Oh that is good that yall are great but I got some tea for yall hunny . So we both pull up at the same time listening to future and we both listening to you da Baddest and we turned of the car when Nicki part came on. then we got to the door hug and Trina answered the door while Ashley was doing her motherly duties I was looking at Ashley and I was like "how are you feeling ?" Ashley said " I feel better scene brother did his brotherly duties."   

Alena pov

hey yall it is your other girl Alena while I was on my to Ashley house Romeo called me and told me to tell Ashley hey

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