Keyshia ?????????

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Ashley POV

"Why in the hell are you here Keyshia? " Keyshia said " because I can be and I wanted to make sure you was alright is that a bad thing to do for somebody?" I said " no it is not a bad thing to do but I know that you are the reason I am in here." Keyshia said " no I am not he is reason you are in here it is your man Jay fault not mines." I said " Bihhh you know it was not Jay's fault you was the one that was in the BMW and you pulled a gun out on me. I didn't do nothing to you and now you want to pop up at the hospital and act like we are friends which you know I don't like you and you don't like me so I think we should just leave it at that." Keyshia said" now you know the reason why we don't like each other and it is because of Jay so yes this whole reason you are in the hospital is because of him."

August POV

"Keyshia why are you really here? "I mean every time everybody having fun you always have to come around and mess with people like really" Keyshia said " Oh hey August what are you doing here?" I said " Now you know that Ashley is my Sister but that is not the thing that I asked you ?" she said " oh the reason why I am here is because I feel bad about what I did to Ashley I mean yea she going with him but I have feelings for her." I looked at her like wtf." I said to myself is she really for real right now?" she said " yea why you think I be around all the time." with a grin on her face.

King POV

Me and the crew I mean the whole damn crew drove to the hospital because we know that Keyshia was going to be there. So we got the car and went to the hospital when we got there we seen Keyshia car but nobody was in there so we all got out of the car and went into the hospital and we all knew that she was on the 3rd floor. so we went to the 3rd floor and the room number was 209 so we went in there and there was Keyshia. I said " Keyshia what are you doing here ?" she said " I am in love with Ashley." Ashley looks at keyshia and says " Keyshia look you are not my type because all you do is sleep around with everybody like damn I cant handle that." I laugh at Ashley's face that she made when Keyshia said that she is in love with Ashley.

Trina POV

I know that this BIHHH aint in this hospital room when she know that don't nobody in this mf room likes her. this bihhh got something up her sleeves if she thinks that we all going to fall for that shit I mean how in the hell are you going to have love for someone that you so call stole your hubby away from you like really and you shot her on their anniversary like come on like really who would do that and you claim you love her. Bihhh that aint love. so while Jay is holding me back I am getting real mad because how in the hell that is love. love is Ashley and Jay now that is love because they been together for a long as time they been together 5 years now even tho they been together 5 years don't think that they don't have no problems in there relationship I mean everybody has problems in their relationships because if you don't then I don't know what to tell you.

keyshia POV

I am going to make Ashley think that I love her then when I do I am going to take her somewhere and beat her ass so she can lose the baby. yea I shot at her so what she think that I didn't have the balls too. Well bitch think again you going to take your brother away from me and you want to party with  Chris and now you taking Jay away aint no way I am going to let you do that. So hahahahaha I got a plan for your ass. So I am walking into Ashley's hospital room and I see August, Trina , Jay, Andre. I was shock to see them there because I thought that they would be gone or going somewhere to go eat but I guess not and they all jumped down my throat. I said " I love Ashley I didn't mean for all of this to happen it just did can you for give?" Ashley said " oh I for give you but I am not going to forget and I know damn will you don't love me because if you did you wouldn't do this to me you would just let me live my life ."

Juliet POV

We are on are way to the hospital and we know that Keyshia have something up her sleeve like this girl think don't know her but we all do even  Ashley. we get there and we see Keyshia car but nobody is in the car so we go to Ashley room and that is when we saw keyshia say that she is in love with Ashley I was like bitch please you was just trying to kill her now you talking about you love her like really how dumb do you think she is. then I open my mouth and said " she is not like you " and she gave me this look like she wanted to fight but I was like I am not about to fight her because I am here for my friend then august was like I am about to call the security guard and she gave August this look like I wish you would and Ashley was like wait you so call you love me but why did you shot at me and Keyshia was standing there quieted she just couldn't say nothing and it is true and everybody looked at keyshia and was waiting for Keyshia answer but as usual nothing to say.      

Andre POV

why in the hell is Keyshia talking about she is in love with Ashley like do she really think that Ashley was going to fall for that hell no Ashley is smart. I mean because one day we was at the mall and this dude came out of no where and told her that he love her I was like really nigga you don't even know her and you talking about you love her. and she went off on the dude. then I see that bae was getting mad so me and Jay was holding her back then August was like do you want me to get the security guard so Jet and King went to go get the security guard and once they did that they explain what was going on and the security guard came in and grabbed her and told her to get out. then when they came back and did there job so we went to the room and Ashley had told us some good news she said today is the day that she gets out of the hospital man I cant wait that is my little sister in law and I love her like she is my sister.  

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